Back to School!

You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down,but the staying down. –Mary Pickford

In my community, after several false starts when the summer heat just wouldn’t let go, everyone is finally back to school. The buses rumble down my street early in the morning. Kids, some of them carrying backpacks nearly as big as they are, walk with their adults, many with eyes downcast. After all, summer is over. No more lazy days of swimming and baseball.

But I know, as a former teacher, that many of those children are secretly excited to return to school. After all, they’ll probably be in a new class, with a teacher who doesn’t know their story—so they can tell it themselves. New friends, new learning experiences. What is not to like?

Most adults don’t have the clear delineation of summer-to-fall. The older we get, the more challenging it can be to really get excited. After all, to paraphrase Shakespeare, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow move in this same, predictable pace. The only thing we can count on is, we are one day closer to the end of our earthly days. Sigh. . . .

Let’s try this: Imagine, instead, that each day is a brand new beginning. Yesterday’s book is closed; today’s page is blank.

So not only can we leave yesterday’s mistakes behind us; we can also live this day intentionally. Get up with a sense of purpose, and set out to live the next 24 hours to the glory of God. Each of us brings different gifts to share; together, we bring the very best of ourselves before the Lord. Don’t hold back. Embrace this new day, whatever it holds!

Monday As you set out to make a fresh start today, make a new friend. Introduce yourself to someone in your neighborhood you haven’t met yet. 2 Kings 4:42-44

Tuesday When was the last time you reread a favorite book? Check out a classic from the library. Nehemiah 8:7-8

Wednesday Make a fall bouquet from your garden, or find some lovely blooms at the store. Keep some for yourself; share with a friend. 1 John 4:7

Thursday Find a way to treat a stranger today. A cup of coffee, perhaps? Maybe lunch? (Bonus points for being sneaky!) 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Friday Do you have a teacher friend? Send them a note of encouragement. This first month can be tough. James 3:1-2

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give yourself a gift. Take time to clean a corner of your home you’ve been neglecting. Then relax and enjoy the space. Psalm 51:10-12

Sunday As we gather for worship this morning, greet one another with a kind word and a hug. Let each other know: You matter to me. 1 Timothy 5:4

Beginnings could happen more than once or in different ways. You could think you were starting something afresh, when actually what you were doing
 was carrying on as before. --Rachel Joyce


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