Not yet!

You take it on faith, you take it to the heart.
The waiting is the hardest part. –Tom Petty

Tom Petty, pop theologian, really got it right when it comes to Advent. The season seems to come earlier every year. Thanksgiving has been ingloriously shoved to one side. After all, Christmas is coming, right?

It’s true. Christmas is coming—but it’s not here yet. So let’s slow down and wander to the manger together. Instead of tearing into the Gift that awaits us, pause for a bit and admire the “packaging.”

Wait expectantly with Israel as we sing O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Feel the desperate longing in their hearts. When, O Lord, will you return to your children?

Listen with the shepherds. What’s that fresh, unusual sound? The gentle flutter of angels’ wings? Lifted voices of a cherub chorus? Understand the words by listening with the ears of your heart.

Hold your breath with Mary as Gabriel appears. Rejoice at the unexpected miracle of birth with Elizabeth. (Can you imagine? I can’t. I really can’t. . . .)

Study the skies. Set aside the busy-ness of this world and immerse yourself again in the Greatest Story Ever Told. Try to pretend you’re hearing it for the very first time. Be like a little child. Open your eyes to the beauty of the journey. Hold hands. Look up! Feel the warmth, the promise—the hope.

And no shaking that package ahead of time! It’s not Christmas yet!

Monday Giving thanks begins close to home. Give thanks to God for those in your life who are like family, whether blood relatives or simply dear friends. Choose at least one, and tell them how you feel. 1 Chronicles 16:1-36

Tuesday Consider sending a note of appreciation and thanks to someone you seldom see or speak with: a mentor, perhaps, or favorite teacher. Give thanks. Exodus 14:13-14

Wednesday As you prepare for Thanksgiving, reach out to someone who perhaps does not have anyone with whom to share a meal. Consider inviting someone to join you, or make plans to assist at a dinner for those in need, such as at St. Malachi. Matthew 25:31-40

Thursday If you choose to shop today, make an extra effort to be kind and generous with those whom you encounter. If (God forbid) you find yourself calling upon those who cannot take a holiday, thank these public servants for their dedication. Ezra 3:10-13

Friday If you choose to participate in Black Friday shopping, consider picking up an item for someone who cannot afford gifts this year. Give thanks for God’s generosity in your life. Psalm 119:89-96

Saturday Today is Small Business Saturday. If you choose to shop today, consider avoiding the Big Box stores in favor of a local merchant. Your business is a big “thank you.” Proverbs 21:3

Sunday Spend some time in quiet stillness and reflect on the waiting that lies ahead. Matthew 2:1-18

Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act. –Paulo Coelho


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