Heavy lifting

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. –Newt Gingrich

Following Jesus is hard work. And it is never done.

We are pulled in so many directions in life, with our jobs, our families. It seems, some days, as if every single minute is filled; yet there are still only 24 hours in a day, only seven days in a week—and only so many dollars in our paycheck.

How are we supposed to get it all done, give to those who are hungry or needy, and still provide for ourselves and our families?

I wish I had an easy answer. But here’s a place to start:

Take a d-e-e-e-e-e-p breath. Listen as the air fills and leaves your lungs. Pause and appreciate the miracle of life itself. Give thanks to Creator God for such a gift.

Now remember that God truly loves you, just because. How can you best respond to that unconditional love? The greatest commandment, Jesus reminds us, is to love God, then love one another. In loving God, give to God from the first fruits, not the leftovers. 

Before anything else, if you possibly can, be grateful to God for the many gifts God has given you in life, and offer a portion back for the Glory of the Lord. Watch and wait, and trust that your needs will still be met.

It never fails. When we give first to God, or the Universe, or whatever name you choose for the Almighty, we receive more in return.

Watch and wait—and believe.

Monday Every surface of our bodies is sensitive to touch or contact. Hands, feet, elbows—all designed to tell us what our world “feels like.” Be aware of this today as you wash, as you walk, as you make your way in the world. Mark 5:24-34

Tuesday Indoors or out, in your home or another place, pause for several minutes and listen deeply. Beyond the voices and traffic, tune your ear to an inner Voice. What do you hear? Isaiah 64:4

Wednesday This time of year has its own peculiar smell. It can be hard to pick up on the “outdoorsy fragrance” of winter. Try it. Can you describe it? 2 Corinthians 2:15-16

Thursday We require food for our very survival. Today, be very deliberate in choosing what you eat. As you eat, put your fork down between bites and really taste what you are eating. 1 Peter 2:2-3.

Friday Bundle up and head outdoors. Pause, tip your head back and look up. Now lower your gaze to the ground. What did you see? 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, be aware of the “complete package” that is you. Give thanks. Psalm 139:1-13

Sunday Look around you, Enjoy the moment with another. Give thanks. Luke 14:12-14

I believe we all have a responsibility to give back. No one becomes successful without a lot of hard work, support from others, and a little luck. Giving back creates a virtuous cycle that makes everyone more successful. –Ron Conway


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