What does that even MEAN???

The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think. No book in the world equals the Bible for that. –Harper Lee

There’s a trend lately trying to get folks back into Bible reading, church going and such. And many times, church leaders will remind us: You just need to read the Bible and do what it tells you to do. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?

But I wonder, really, what they mean by “read the Bible and do what it tells you to do.”

If you land in Leviticus, does it mean the part about only wearing clothing made of single fibers, or only growing a single crop in the garden (Leviticus 19)?

If you’re reading Psalms and truly believe God answers prayers, are you hoping the LORD will slay those whom you deem wicked—maybe just because you disagree (Psalm 139)?

Sometimes, I’m afraid, these are exactly the parts of Scripture folks would choose to uphold, while ignoring the Love that abounds, even in our Old Testament.

Do Justice; love mercy; walk humbly with God (Micah 6). People walking in darkness have seen a great light (Isaiah 9)!

Most important: Love God; love other people (Matthew 22).

Read your Bible. It’s important. And while you’re reading, use your God-given brain. The whole of Scripture is centered on love. If it ain’t love . . . keep on reading, with an open heart.

Monday Last week held World Gratitude Day. Did you celebrate? Pause today and count a few blessings. If you can, thank someone who made your way easier. Ezekiel 34:25-27

Tuesday Do you struggle to see the Imago Dei, the image of God, when you look in the mirror? Pray today for a loving heart—for yourself. Genesis 1:26-27

Wednesday Be honest with yourself. Is there someone or something against which you find yourself innately biased? Confess to God and ask for peace. Genesis 21:8-13

Thursday Just for fun—read the back of one of your bills or statements. Praise God that God doesn’t hold us to such legal requirements, but simply loves us. Period. John 3:16-17

Friday Take time today to call a friend or family member with whom you’ve lost touch. If there are fences to mend, try to mend them. Genesis 28:10-17

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, spend time in silence and meditate on God’s unconditional love for you, God’s beloved child. Philippians 1:9-11

Sunday Greet one another in Christian love. Worship and praise the God who loves us just because, and is always proud of us, no matter what and no matter where. Amen? 1 Kings 8:22-24

God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees and in the flowers and clouds and stars. –Martin Luther


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