Now? NOW??? (How about now?)

Patience is not simply the ability to wait—it’s how we behave while we’re waiting. –Joyce Meyer

It’s been quite the month, not only here in the States, but in other nations, as well. Hurricanes and forest fires in the US; floods and famine in Indonesia. Modern-day genocide in Myanmar. Locally, break-ins and other crimes seem to loom ever closer, threatening our sense of security. Turning on the evening news can leave one anxious and wondering:

What does it all mean? Are we living in the end times?

I’m certainly not qualified to answer those questions; however, Jesus himself reminds us that no one knows the day and hour, except the Father (Matthew 24:36). Let me offer another question:

What practical difference does it make in the way we live our lives?

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus tells parables reminding us what the Kingdom of God will be like, and how we are called to participate in that Kingdom. Whether we are like leaven working goodness through the dough of the world (Luke 13:21), or the prodigal child being welcomed home (Luke 15:11-32), what we don’t hear Jesus telling us to do is just sit and wait. There are still hungry people waiting to be fed, hurting children of many ages needing a comforting touch or word. Victims of these disasters are counting on you, the only hands and feet Jesus has in the world. So while you’re waiting, don’t just stand there. Do something. (You know Jesus would.)

Monday, September 18 Pray today for our new and returning student visitors from CIM, CIA and CWRU. Give thanks for their presence among us. Matthew 5:1-12

Tuesday Meditate today on a time when you received a gift of Presence from another. Thank God. Jeremiah 1:4-5

Wednesday Give thanks for every “stranger in our midst.” How have you been blessed in the past by an unexpected visitor? Share your story. Hebrews 13:1-2

Thursday Today, allow yourself to be open to the Presence of God in unexpected places: the line in the grocery store or walking through a parking lot, for example. Give thanks for God’s everywhere-ness. Isaiah 35:1-2

Friday Stewardship of our gifts means more than writing a check (although that’s important, too). Spend time in quiet and ask: How might God be calling you to serve at UCUMC? Romans 12:1-2

Saturday Sometimes the “image of God” in another (or in ourselves) can be well-disguised. Take time today to reflect on God’s image in you. Romans 12:9-13

Sunday (She’s here, you know. Christ’s Holy Spirit is right here, right now—and always.) Give thanks and rest in her presence. Job 29:23-25

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. –Dale Carnegie


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