The spice of Life.

If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. –John F. Kennedy

At an early age, children have an amazing gift. They see only beauty and friends, not divisions. Every color is beautiful; every person is worthy of a smile.

Then at some point, they begin to have preferences. Adults ask questions:

What’s your favorite color? (Mine is purple.) Favorite animal? (Elephants, with cats a close second.) Who’s your best friend? (I married him!)

Before long, it’s obvious: if one is my favorite, there must be others that I don’t like. And before long, children have learned it’s okay to be mean to someone they don’t like, to make fun of them, bully them or even exclude them. And many times, the reasons they might give are really simply the reasons they’ve heard the adults in their lives use.

The world has become a diminished place because many no longer value the differences among us. And that’s pretty sad.

Imagine a rainbow of only one stripe. Only corn flakes for breakfast. No chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!

Life is too, too short to settle for vanilla (and make me settle for vanilla, too)! Look around you. Try to look through God’s loving eyes, and embrace the diverse beauty of this place. Celebrate the many ways we aren’t all exactly alike! (How boring would that be???)

Consider trying something you never thought you’d like. (Even if it's only a hymn you've never sung.)

Monday Begin the week with a big prayer for unity of understanding and healing among the nations of the world. Give thanks for diversity of thought. Ezekiel 36:23

Tuesday Our own nation stands divided in many ways, over wages, healthcare and more. Pray, again, for healing of mind and spirit. Galatians 3:28

Wednesday The great state of Ohio is not free from division. Today as you pray, consider the many issues which have the potential to divide us. Allow God to speak to your soul. Acts 3:1-10

Thursday Pray today for your neighbors in the community in which you live. Pray for a unified vision among community leaders and schools. Titus 3:1-2

Friday Pray for the University Circle arts community as it is redeveloping and emerging as a jewel in the city’s crown. Pray for a strong, unified voice among leaders. Romans 13:8-10

Saturday In your quiet time today, listen for points of disquiet or discord within your own soul. Ask God to guide you to peace. Proverbs 14:30

Sunday Pray for The United Methodist Church as we continue to wrestle over issues of human rights and love. Greet one another this morning in love. Ephesians 6:23-24

We are a nation of communities . . . a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky. –George H. W. Bush


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