Seriously. In public???

To love means loving the unlovable. . . . Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless. –Gilbert K. Chesterton

It happens all the time, and just about everywhere. In the grocery store, in the park—even in church. And it’s not always a welcome sight; it can make one feel awkward, cynical— uncomfortable.

The internet moniker for it is PDA, Public Displays of Affection. I’m not talking about holding hands, or a quick kiss in passing. I’m talking about young couples who can’t keep their hands off each other, who wrap themselves around each other like ivy on a tree trunk and lead the rest of us to mutter under our breath, Get a room, already!

Most of us have been taught from an early age that such behavior is inappropriate; but somehow, when you’re young, and that “certain someone” comes into your life. . . .

Ah, Love! Wonderful, perfect Love. We want the world to know!

So why is it, then, that as followers of Jesus who profess such Love for God can struggle so in showing our love to the world? We sometimes seem to be embarrassed by our beliefs, and find it difficult to share the Good News of unconditional love with those who need it most.

Jesus excelled at showing Love. He did it through his actions: feeding the hungry, healing the sick, clothing the naked, loving the seemingly unlovable. Amazing public displays of affection that we can show today. And no reasonable person will be disgusted.

Monday Pause today and count a few blessings. If you can, thank someone who has made your way easier in life. Ezekiel 34:25-27

Tuesday Do you struggle to see the Imago Dei, the image of God, when you look in the mirror? Pray today for a loving heart—for yourself. Genesis 1:26-27

Wednesday Be honest with yourself. Is there someone or something against which you find yourself innately biased? Confess to God and ask for peace. Genesis 21:8-13

Thursday Just for fun—read the back of one of your bills or statements. Praise God that God doesn’t hold us to such legal requirements, but simply loves us. Period. John 3:16-17

Friday Take time today to call a friend or family member with whom you’ve lost touch. If there are fences to mend, try to mend them. Genesis 28:10-17

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, spend time in silence and meditate on God’s unconditional love for you, God’s beloved child. Philippians 1:9-11

Sunday Greet one another in Christian love. Worship and praise the God who loves us just because, and is always proud of us, no matter what. Amen? 1 Kings 8:22-24

Before every person walks an Angel declaring, “Behold! The image of God!" –Jewish proverb


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