Suck it up!

I’m the kind of person who just can’t wait to get on a train and not know where I’m going. I definitely want to live life to the fullest. And that’s the type of person I’m attracted to—somebody with that spontaneous spirit. –Summer Altice

My church recently lost a beloved member of our staff and family. Desmond battled cancer, literally, for decades. He was a true warrior; seldom did he let the disease slow him down even a little.

At one point, I drove Des to one of his appointments. He had had to fast beforehand, so afterwards, we stopped at Steak n Shake for a hamburger, fries—and a black raspberry chocolate chip milkshake, with whipped cream and a cherry.

The burger and fries were great, but when he got to the milkshake, Desmond’s eyes lit up like a child. From the first taste to the last drop gurgled through the straw, he smiled and savored. Then, when the cup looked empty, he took his finger and cleared the last bits of dark chocolate from the sides of the cup, sighed deeply and declared, “That was the best milkshake I have ever had!”

We can learn so much from Des. He brought a passion and energy to living, an irrepressible enthusiasm. He seldom worried about himself, but wanted to be sure everyone else was doing all right.

Are you one of these people, too? One who wants to suck every last bit of goodness out of life, celebrate the best and let others know? When God finished creating, he declared it was very good. It still is! Our lives can (and should) let the world know, without question, that Life is worthwhile, good to the very last drop. Amen?

Monday Pause today and remember your “first love” (whatever it was). Allow yourself to revisit the feelings without judging or rolling your eyes. 2 Corinthians 4:13-15

Tuesday Think about your primary approach to life’s questions. Are you a “thinker” or a “feeler”? Just for today, fearlessly approach decision-making from a different angle. Habakkuk 3:1-2

Wednesday Think today about someone who influenced you as a child. What made them special in your eyes? Give thanks—and consider calling or sending a note. Proverbs 1:5, 7

Thursday As we wander through life, we, too, influence others (hopefully in a good way). Where do you see your influence being spread? As you pray, seek guidance and wisdom to lead. 1 John 5:2-4

Friday Consider being more deliberate in reaching out to the next generation. Ask God to show you a way to share your gifts, through volunteering, perhaps. Matthew 5:23-24

Saturday Today, as you pray for yourself, think about the gifts God has given you, the things that make you unique. Give thanks. Romans 12:9-13

Sunday Look around you as we gather this morning. Speak with someone you do not know well. Verbally thank someone whose life has affected your faith walk. Matthew 25:31-36

The past explains how I got here, but the future is up to me—and I love to live life at full throttle. –Janice Dickinson


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