Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Life is not a race. It’s a journey! –Avery, age 6

There are a lot of different kinds of Christians, and for the most part, that’s a very good thing. We believe we can all commit ourselves to following the Christ, but find different paths along the way, making our journey ours alone.

Some folks really focus on salvation, for the next life. They believe the most important part of Jesus’ work was communicating the need to profess faith in Jesus, perhaps say a little prayer, and know their eternal soul will be saved. They will, someday, reside in heaven alongside Jesus. So their lives are spent seeking the lost and offering them the eternal gift of salvation in Christ.

And that is a really good thing. I admire those who follow the Christ in this way.

Others of us believe that because Christ has given us the gift of grace, we should share this loving gift as widely as possible, right here, right now, in this life. Their day-to-day living reflects the generous heart of Jesus and his ardent desire that everyone experience the expansive Love of God—in real, tangible ways. In our current climate, this might include not only offering food to the hungry; it might also mean protecting the vulnerable, offering sanctuary and safety to families whose lives are imperiled. It can be a little scary to do, but we do so together, in community, knowing we are not alone. In this way, we see Jesus, not only in the hereafter—but also in the here and now. Two paths, one Savior. Same destination: the loving heart of God. Let’s journey together.

Monday Begin the week by praying about one of your personal “hot-button” issues and a person with whom you disagree about this issue. Deuteronomy 26:17-18

Tuesday Consider today one of your cherished beliefs about your faith. Do you know someone who believes differently? Invite them for coffee. Psalm 119:58

Wednesday In prayer today, consider: if there were one question you could ask Jesus, what would it be? Listen for his answer. 2 Peter 1:3-4

Thursday Concentrate today on listening deeply. Imagine a loving heart with ears. Deuteronomy 32:3-4

Friday Meditate on what you believe about Jesus. Ask someone you love what they believe. Talk about where your beliefs converge—and differ. Romans 10:11-13

Saturday Praying today for yourself, commit to being more open-minded (open-hearted?) in your daily interactions. Rest. Lamentations 3:21-23

Sunday Gathering for worship is always a time to recognize the diversity among us: in age, race, gender and so many ways. Give thanks to the Creator for God’s imagination! Jeremiah 4:1-3

Don’t be so earthly minded that you’re no heavenly good. –Anonymous preachers and mothers everywhere


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