Where does it hurt?

I don’t have nothing to regret at all in the past, except that I might’ve unintentionally hurt somebody else or something. –Jimi Hendrix

It happens all the time. Someone says something in jest, just having fun, but when it hits the ears of the other person, they only hear ridicule. Or meanness. Or a put-down. And instead of saying something, we simply take it in and allow it to fester in our hearts. Like poison ivy, that one little point of pain spreads, deepens, ruining that relationship.

Time goes by and we wonder. Will I ever feel safe in that relationship again? After so long, how do I even begin to “fix” things? Can this be fixed? (Do I want to feel better?)

There is only one person that can answer those questions. But if nothing changes, nothing will ever change.

If the relationship matters, take a chance. Take a deep breath and reach out. Explain why you are hurting. Let the other person know how much you value their friendship—and you won’t allow yourself to be hurt. Listen to one another.

We’ve all been on both sides of this conversation, haven’t we?

Where in your life is there a relationship to restore? To whom might you need to extend a hand of love?

Allow the spirit of holy Love to work in your words and in your life. Take the first step. It’s always the most difficult, and most worthwhile, one to take.

Monday Begin this day by investing thirty minutes (or more) in reading Scripture or a devotional passage. Really sit with it. Let God speak to you, pray—and rest. Matthew 6:19-21

Tuesday Take a moment to reflect on your life this week. Notice the ups and downs. Rest in the knowledge that your worth in God’s eyes never changes. Psalm 20:1-9

Wednesday Today, invest $1 (or more) in someone, whether a relative, a server at a restaurant or a total stranger. Be blessed. Proverbs 28:25-27

Thursday Take time today to review . . . your budget. Don’t be critical; simply observe where your spending money goes. Any changes your heart suggests? Isaiah 28:16

Friday Spend thirty minutes (or more) with a child. Ask about their day. Listen more than you talk. John 14:1-4

Saturday Today, invest at least one hour in loving yourself, just the way you are, a beloved child of God. Give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Sunday No matter what, God’s Love never lessens, never fails. This morning, praise God from the depths of your spirit. Ezekiel 43:1-5

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. –Viktor Frankl


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