Same old, same old. . . .

If it’s not about Love, then it’s not about God. –The Most Rev. Michael Curry

For all God’s wonder and power and creative capacity, at the end of the day God is something of a one-trick pony.

It doesn’t really matter what we do or how we displease God with our negativity or our actions run amok. God may be disappointed in us, even angry with us. But just like a good parent, God still loves his children with a crazy, unbounding Love that goes beyond our understanding—and sometimes, beyond our belief.

We may wonder, sometimes, if something we did (or failed to do) is so heinous and awful that we have earned a ticket out of the Kingdom and away from God’s presence. Did I cross an invisible line? Have I gone too far? How can I ask God’s forgiveness—for that?

Not only can you ask forgiveness—doing so will free your spirit in untold ways. Because in the asking, we receive. No matter how far or how fast we try to run away from God, whenever we stop and turn back, seeking God’s presence, God is there. And while God is fully aware of our actions, there is no deed so awful that God cannot forgive when we ask.

Nothing. And that, friends, is the Good News, in a nutshell.

Monday Believe in your power to transform indifference into love. How will you show the world you care? Psalm 8:4

Tuesday Believe you have an amazing gift to keep hope alive in the face of despair. Offer a prayer today for someone who is struggling. Isaiah 40:30-31

Wednesday Believe you have the remarkable skill of deleting bitterness from your life. Pray today for the courage to forgive someone who has hurt you. Thank God for the peace that will follow. Exodus 34:6-7

Thursday Believe in your budding potential to live with a nonviolent heart. Is there a human rights issue about which you are passionate? Consider contacting your congressional representative and making your passion known. James 3:17-18

Friday Believe in your passion to speak the truth, even when it isn’t popular. Sometimes as Christians we fall silent. Today, pray for conviction to speak truth—in love. Zechariah 8:16-17

Saturday Believe you have the strength of will to be peace in a world of violence. Offer words of peace and a hug (after asking permission). Matthew 5:9

Sunday Believe in your miraculous capacity to give—and receive—unconditional love. Greet someone with reckless abandon this morning. Luke 10:25-37

We catch grace like we are filling a tin cup at a waterfall. –Anne Lamott


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