Where are you, God?

I have been asked by some, how I can be so certain of the existence of a good God, and I have asked them in return if they have eyes to see. –John Ortberg

(Here is part of John Ortberg’s response to the question, from God Is Closer Than You Think.)

God is as close as the bounding dog who knows and loves the voice of his Master. He is as close as the laughter of a joyful heart, close as the touch of a friend.

Our God is not far away in some distant tower. He is, like Waldo, present on every single page, even when it’s hard for us to see him.

He is present in the magnificent chapels that we build for him,
and he is present in the most magnificent chapel of mountain and sea and earth and sky that he built for us.

For his Spirit, like the wind, blows wherever it will and breathes life into anybody who will let it.

He is present on “rainbow days,” when our breath gets sucked out of our bodies by his beauty and grace.

He is present in the ordinary moments of every ordinary day, when we wake and when we sleep, when we work and when we play, when we eat and drink, when we fail and try again—he is there.

And in the winter of our souls, when we feel most alone,
when, with Jesus, we cried out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
He is there, then, too.

Monday Give thanks for the beauty of the earth, the rainfall, waterfalls and oceans. If you can, find time to dangle your toes in some water today. Job 38:25-28

Tuesday Thank God for verdant plant life: for trees and beans, for berries and greens. Partake of the goodness of the garden; visit a farmer’s market. John 15:5-6

Wednesday Give thanks today for the beasts of the land, the birds of the air and fish in the sea. When was the last time you visited the zoo? Take a moment to appreciate the diversity of Creation. Genesis 2:19-20

Thursday Praise and give thanks for the wind that cleanses the air and refreshes our tired bodies at day’s end. Stand in the face of a breeze and feel its power. John 20:19-23

Friday Give thanks to the Creator for the sun, the moon, the stars and all that lies beyond our vision. Get up early or stay up past your bedtime to enjoy seeing Creation in a new light. Isaiah 40:21-22

Saturday Give thanks for one another: for parents, for those who teach and for yourself as learner. Remember that all learners are also teachers—and vice versa. Matthew 18:1-5

Sunday Give thanks for the Divine Love that surrounds us, draws us together and makes us one in Spirit. Find a quiet time to soak in the Spirit’s Love. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Today, this is our prayer: God, make up there come down here.
May your Kingdom come into my world, my heart, my life.
And he really can—and he really will.

Because God is closer than you think. –John Ortberg


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