Three little words.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. –Lao Tzu

The news continues to challenge its listeners, especially those of us who believe: 1) that God’s very nature is Love; and 2) that God is ever-present and all-knowing. Even aside from the horrible, newsworthy global events of recent weeks, there are a lot of things going on, right here in our own community, that are hard to understand. Children go to bed hungry. People turn angry and violent with one another. Young people become bullies, relentlessly picking on one another. The pain grows intolerable; a child (or adult) cannot take it anymore and ends his (or her) own life, too, too soon.

We gasp; we blink; we weep. And in our confusion and anger, we begin to question: If God is ever-present and all-knowing, why does this God allow hunger in the world? If God’s nature is love, why is there so much disease and violence? Why?

The answers are not mine to give, but I do have four sets of three little words: I don’t know. (But I keep asking God to lead me in God’s ways.) God is Love. Never lose sight of the fact that through it all, God is a loving presence in the world (John 3:16). I love you. As we are all Children of God, we, too, are called to love one another—and not just the lovable ones.

Together—we can. We are never, ever alone.

Monday Focus today on ways you have sensed God’s loving presence in your life recently. Give thanks and rest. John 3:16-17

Tuesday Hunger is a problem in our community. How can you help? Consider volunteering at a community meal in your area. Exodus 16:11-15

Wednesday Life can seem hopeless when mental illness rears its ugly head. Suicide is an “elephant in the room” that we really need to be able to talk about. Where can you learn more? Pray for those who struggle. 2 Samuel 1:19-27

Thursday God is not diminished by our doubts. Pause today during prayer and ask God a question (or five) that you’ve kept deep in your heart until now. Listen and rest. Matthew 12:46-50

Friday Look deep in your own heart for a place where you struggle with judging others. Ask God to give you fresh, loving eyes to see. Isaiah 29:13-14

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, thank God for the places and ways God has brought healing to your life. If there are areas where you desire deeper healing, ask. Rest. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

Sunday Learning and growth happens when we come together seeking a deeper relationship with God and with one another. Enjoy this time together and give thanks. Psalm 122:1-9

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. –Robin Williams


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