A Cavalier attitude?

Unity is strength. . . . When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. –Mattie Stepanek

In case you missed it . . . the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA World Championship! Pretty exciting, huh? There was a huge parade, wine and gold confetti, and lots and lots of very happy people.

Someone pointed out that people who didn’t even know one another were now hugging and crying together. Race didn’t matter; gender didn’t matter. All that mattered in the days following this feat was the common love of Cavs and pride in the city of Cleveland.

That part was pretty cool.

But some people were claiming God loves Cleveland, that’s why we won. Some churches were praying for a Cavs win. Some suggested the past fifty-two years have been God’s way of “grooming” us for this win. I struggle with such thinking. What does that say to cities with no sports teams (or no winning teams)? That the Almighty loves them less? Hmm.

Truth is, now that we have proven we can work together for a greater good, God expects even more of us—not on the basketball court or the football field, but in our daily lives. After the confetti has blown away, after the trophy begins to tarnish—are we still hugging and crying together? Have the lines that divided us disappeared—for good? When we find a way to remain united, with a love for God and justice that transcends beyond a simple love of athletics, then we will truly have become a city of champions. Blessed, yes—so that we may bless others.

Monday Today, practice listening for your inner voice, the “still, small whisper” of the Holy Spirit guiding your way. Give thanks and rest. 1 Kings 19:11-13

Tuesday Are you a “giver”? Do you find yourself unable to just say no? For today, put yourself first and make your happiness a priority. Rest. Proverbs 21:13

Wednesday Take time today to think about something that didn’t go as you planned. What lesson can you learn from this incident? Numbers 20:1-12

Thursday Pause today and think about the people you spend time with. How do you feel after spending time with each one? Are there some you might need to spend less time with? (It’s okay to say no.) John 15:9-17

Friday It’s a new month! Focus today on living in the moment, leaving the past in the past. Where is God in this moment? Jeremiah 31:31-34

 Saturday We live in a culture of more and better. Look around today, and pause to give thanks just for what you have. Acts 2:25-28

Sunday Look around you. These people with whom you worship are gifts from God, the Family of Christ. Tell someone you appreciate them, and give thanks. Psalm 68:4-10

Being a Christian athlete doesn’t mean praying for your team to win. God doesn’t give an edge to those who pray, over those who don’t; hard work does that. Being a Christian athlete . . . means giving all glory to God, no matter the outcome, because you trust in His plan for your life. –Stephen Curry


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