Where are you?

It is now, at Advent, that I am given the chance to suspend all expectation . . . and instead to revel in the mystery. –Jerusalem Jackson Greer

Advent can be a season of watching. We watch as nativity scenes spring up. We peer into the cradle, looking for the Christ Child. Christmas carols, Christmas pageants all invite us to come and see. But there’s more to this season than simply standing by and looking. Besides the standard nativity figures—Holy Family, shepherds, Magi—I believe there is one more figure that’s a necessary part of every nativity.

It’s you.

Pause for a moment and let your mind wander in to that first Christmas, when Jesus was born. Instead of merely looking in as an outsider, like we glance at a Christmas card, place yourself in the scene.

Maybe you see yourself as Zechariah or Elizabeth, receiving news of an unexpected pregnancy long, long after you thought those days were over. How do you react when the angel Gabriel shows up?

Or perhaps you see yourself as a shepherd, or a shepherd’s spouse or child. Or one of the Magi, suddenly taken by a persistent star. Do you have the courage to stand up to King Herod’s questions? What if you are one of the mothers whose children were targeted by the king for death? Look through new eyes, hear the sounds of the moment again—for the first time.

Wrap yourself in the fabric of the season. Allow your mind and heart to be opened to a fresh view of Christmas.

Monday Today, be intentionally loving. Bake some goodies for a friend. Hold the door for the person behind you. Be a listening ear to someone in need. Matthew 1:1-17

Tuesday Choose a charity today and make a donation, whether of time or money, that can make a difference. Luke 2:5-25

Wednesday Today, grab some sticky notes or cards and write little messages of appreciation for friends, coworkers, family—or total strangers. Matthew 1:18-25

Thursday Christmas Eve What are you afraid of? Take time today to voice your fears to God and let God heal your heart. Luke 1:26-38

Friday Christmas Day Pause and remember a really great Christmas in your life. What made it special? How can you make today special for someone else? John 1:1-5

Saturday In some countries, today is Boxing Day, a day to give small gifts to people who provide services, such as trash collectors or hairdressers. To whom might you give a small gift of thanks? Matthew 2:1-12

Sunday A challenge as we gather for worship: smile at every person whom you meet. And when you leave church—keep offering the love and peace you received. Matthew 2:13-18

Three wise women would have asked directions; arrived on time; helped deliver the baby; cleaned the stable; made a casserole; brought practical gifts
—and there would be Peace on Earth. Merry Christmas!

Image result for silhouette nativity


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