
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” –Mister Rogers

There is a famous painting, I am told, that once hung in an art museum in Europe. The artist is no one you’ve likely ever heard of; the quality of the painting is unremarkable. But there is a story that has become attached to this painting that is unforgettable.

The painting, titled Checkmate, depicts just what you might expect: the final moments of a close chess match. One party (some say this is Satan) believes he has the game wrapped up, and his human opponent looks on in dismay.

The legend goes that years ago, chess master Bobby Fisher visited this museum and came upon this painting. Its subject matter caught his attention, for obvious reasons—but there was something more that grabbed his keen eye. He spent some time studying the painting, then announced to his friend:

“We must find the artist. Either he must fix the painting—or change its name. The King has one more move!

The past month (or more) has been challenging. Blatant disregard for human life, divisive politicians, misplaced priorities. Sometimes, it’s almost felt like the game is over. But look again. Look to the child offering his Christmas money to a veteran. Look to the church providing food to the hungry, crying out against injustice. Listen in the quiet of your heart and know:

The King has one more move. The game is not over.

(This week, we will look again at times when there seemed to be no way out—but the King had one more move.)

Monday Pharaoh behind and the Red Sea before him, Moses could see no way out of Egypt. But the King had one more move. Exodus 14

Tuesday Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in a fiery furnace, facing certain death for their beliefs. But the King had one more move. Daniel 3

Wednesday Daniel knows how great is his God, and refuses to worship any other. It gets him pitched into a den of lions—but the King has one more move. Daniel 6

Thursday Elijah was cornered be Jezebel’s armies. He really thought he was done for—but the King had one more move. 1 Kings 19

Friday Stephen was surrounded. Angry men held stones, ready to end his life. Stephen really was at death’s door—but the King had one more move. Acts 7

Saturday Saul was in a bad way, struck blind on the road to Damascus. But God had a new plan for his life—and the King made one big move. Acts 9

Sunday The crowds had grown fierce. His friends had given in to fear. Jesus had been whipped and flogged, nailed to a tree. The day had grown dark. Yet even as Jesus cried out to God, the King had one more move (and it was a good one). John 20

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. –Sholom Aleichem


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