What does that mean???

What you talkin’ about, Willis? –Gary Coleman

Words are funny things. We bandy them about with ease, stringing them together to explain, to tell stories—to learn. Sometimes words just aren’t enough, and silence—or a hug—serve much better. And often, we toss about sesquipedalians with great alacrity, only to discover when asked that “that word” doesn’t mean quite what we thought it meant.

The church uses a veritable plethora of words seldom encountered anywhere else: chancel, lectionary, narthex, to name a few. We know what these words mean, right? But do we—really?

The Greek origins of the word narthex literally mean “giant fennel.” According to myth, fire was conveyed from Heaven to Earth through giant fennel stems. (What’s that got to do with our narthex, the “lobby” outside our sanctuary? Good question.)

The ancient Temple had several “layers,” or rings, where some were allowed and some were not. The most sacred space, where it was believed the Almighty resided, was the Sanctuary, or holy area. Then there was a space for the priests and others of high repute, and so forth. At the outer limits of the Temple was a space reserved for curious riffraff, those unsuitable to draw any nearer to God. That space was known as the Narthex, or the “porch for unrepentant sinners.”

And it is in this porch, this Narthex, where we greet and welcome one another each Sunday as we look for Jesus, who also hangs out in this not-so-holy space seeking us.

Monday We should always strive to grow in various ways. I bet there is at least one word in this week’s guide that is unfamiliar to you. Pause, look it up and consider dazzling someone with your new vocabulary word. Matthew 18:5

Tuesday Most of us know more than we think we know. As you read today’s devotional, really think about what you are reading. How do you feel about what is offered? Pray for discernment and wisdom. Mark 1:16-18

Wednesday Besides our brains, God also gave us hands to use, not just to look nice. What will you create with your hands today? Whom will you touch—literally or spiritually? Nehemiah 9:5b-6

Thursday Take a walk. Look for flowers or other plants and see how many you can name. Try hard to find one you don’t know—and learn its name. 1 Corinthians 1:26-28

Friday Today, educate your taste buds. Are you a careful eater? Choose to try something new and different, either at a café or from the market or produce shelf. Savor the new food. Thank God for the variety of creation. Exodus 40:36-38

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, take a mental assessment. How comfortable are you with new things? Do you squirm when someone you care about thinks differently than you do? Pray for an open mind. Ecclesiastes 9:17-18

Sunday Pause in that Narthex. Look around for Jesus. (You can bet he is there!) Greet one another in love, and remind yourself: I was once a visitor here. Luke 18:13

Here’s a dictionary. Look it up. You will remember it longer. –Mothers ‘round the world


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