Churchspeak 101

To make pictures big is to make them more powerful. –Robert Mapplethorpe

My church, Church in the Circle, is a magnificent structure. Our “Holy Oilcan” steeple is a landmark visible, literally, for miles around. It serves as a beacon of hope to a city in need. 

And that’s just the outside.

Wander up the front steps, and one cannot help but notice the intricate carvings in the stone, stalwart figures flanking the entryway. Their steadfast eyes have seen much over the years; think of the stories their stony lips could tell, if only they could speak. And this is only the beginning.

As soon as you enter the sanctuary, especially on a sunny morning, the colorful stained glass immediately catches your eye, takes your breath away with the stunning beauty of the many, many windows. But even beyond their innate beauty, these windows serve an even greater purpose: they tell the stories of our faith, as Christians and as United Methodists.

Before a child learns to read words, she learns to “read” pictures. Sitting on a favorite grownup’s lap, he begins to predict the direction a story will take, based on the pictures he sees.

And so it is with these stained glass stories. Even when we sometimes go long stretches without opening our Bibles (yes, me, too), we are reminded of our heritage, heroes and heroines long since entered into eternity.

And here you thought they were just pretty colored windows.

Monday Memorial Day Pray today for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Give thanks, and if you know a veteran—thank them in person. Genesis 1:27

Tuesday Pray for the small groups that meet each week at Panera and Einstein’s. (Consider joining one.) Give thanks for UCUMC’s welcoming presence that goes out in to our community. Matthew 5:14-16

Wednesday Pray today for a neighbor or coworker with whom you would like a more authentic relationship. Give thanks for their presence in your life, and ask God to show you how you might serve them in Christ’s name. Hebrews 13:1

Thursday Pray today for someone with whom you disagree. This might be friend, family or a public figure. Give thanks to God for the diversity of the Kingdom. Matthew 5:43-47

Friday Now ask God to open your heart and mind to a fresh understanding of another’s point of view. Give thanks for a loving, creative God. Isaiah 55:8-12

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, seek a spirit of humility, civility and grace. Thank God for his work in your heart and in your life. Psalm 139:1-6

Sunday Pray for your pastor this morning, and for all who participate in worship leadership. Give thanks for their gifts. Greet someone in worship with whom you have never spoken before. Welcome one another in Christian love. Matthew 25:35-40

Of all of our inventions for mass communication, 
pictures still speak the most universally understood language. –Walt Disney


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