The writing is on the wall

Speak softly, but carry a big can of paint. –Banksy

It’s everywhere. Sometimes it’s really beautiful. But I seldom look at graffiti and see God—until recently.

As often as I can, I take the Shoreway when I come to Church in the Circle. I love driving along the lakeshore, seeing kites dipping and soaring over Edgewater Park, catching glimpses of sailboats bobbing peacefully—or fighting the winds and waves. Such a lovely setting, much nicer than fighting traffic.

Several weeks ago, as I passed Edgewater and banked around the curves towards downtown, I saw it, an unremarkable bit of graffiti sprayed on a bridge support.

I am thankful for you!

I smiled to myself, my heart strangely warmed. The next time we drove that way, I made sure my husband saw it, too, this sweet, anonymous message of love to the world. Nice!

But the next time, I looked for “my” message and was disappointed to see that the city had been hard at work, painting over curse words, gang symbols—and gratitude. My heart sank. I hadn’t realized how much that silly bit of spray paint had touched my soul. >sigh<

Last week, I drove that route along the Shoreway again, watched as a big ore boat slugged its way across Lake Erie, spotted families playing spring baseball. And then I saw it.

I am still thankful—for you!!

Thank you, unknown friend, I am thankful for you, too.

Monday Are you close to a lake? Even a small one? Pause today and listen to the water as it laps the shoreline. Let the quiet fill your soul. Give thanks. Psalm 1:1-3

Tuesday Whether you are driving, walking or taking the train, look for graffiti and pray for the person(s) who created this statement. (Can you give thanks?) 1 Peter 2:11-12

Wednesday Today, look for something that’s out of place: a plant springing up in the cracks of a sidewalk, water running out of its confines. Give thanks for God’s “graffiti.” Matthew 13:1-9

Thursday Listen today for a sound that seems not to belong: a baby’s giggle in a nursing home, perhaps, or Beethoven from a boombox. Give thanks. Ephesians 5:19-20

Friday Are you a neat freak? Do you struggle with things being out of order? Just for today (or longer), create a bit of chaos in your life. Put something in a new place. Force yourself to see through new eyes. Give thanks. Colossians 2:6-7

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, look for unexpected signs of God at work in your life. Give thanks. 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

Sunday That’s not really “your” pew, you know. Sit in a new place this morning, in a different part of the worship space. Be aware of your surroundings, greet one another—and give thanks. Hebrews 13:1-2

Blank walls are a shared canvas and we are all artists. –Carla H. Krueger


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