So glad you're here!

Jesus, we want to meet on this thy holy day! 
We worship at your feet—on this thy holy day! 
–Elizabeth Parson

Remember as a child going off to summer camp or church camp, and singing songs around a campfire? As the fire crackled and popped, sending sparks shooting high into the dark night sky, remember lifting your voice? Maybe even adding a little personal harmony?

One on the favorite campfire and Sunday school songs was Kumbaya. Oh, I know—I could feel you roll your eyes. A simple, plaintive song that, over time, has gotten a bad rap.

But seriously. Think about the words we sing in English:

Come by here, my Lord. Someone’s crying, Lord. Someone’s singing, someone’s shouting! Someone’s dying. Oh, Lord—come by here.

Isn’t this the simple cry of our hungry hearts? In good times, we thank God and celebrate God’s presence in our lives. In darker times, when God seems to have done a disappearing act, we cry out in desperation: someone’s crying, Lord—it’s me! I’m crying! Where are you? Oh, Lord, please—kumbaya. Come by here.

On this Resurrection Sunday, we remember how Jesus responded to his disciples in their time of need. Lost, alone, wondering how they will survive after their Lord has been crucified, their broken hearts cry out to God in the reality of an empty tomb. Kumbaya, Lord. Come by here.

Monday After the women discovered the tomb was empty, the disciples were at loose ends, but found solace in being together. Contact someone who might need a friend. Pray for them as well.  Luke 24:13-35

Tuesday If you are a singer, today—sing! Choose a simple song that allows your heart to speak. What emotions are you experiencing? Give thanks. Psalm 150

Wednesday God is here, everywhere, always. The question is: will you notice? Look for God today—in unexpected people or places. Colossians 1:15-20

Thursday For most people, it is far easier to give than to receive. We feel uncomfortable letting people do things for us. Today, allow. And when someone offers an unexpected kindness, simply say thank you. Psalm 4:1

Friday New life is emerging after a long, hard winter! Where do you see signs of renewal—in nature and in your own life? Isaiah 65:17-19

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, offer a simple word—and wait. Kumbaya, Lord. Come by here. Psalm 130:5-6

Sunday God works in many ways and in many people (even me and even you). Give thanks today for the people and places God has placed in your life and led you to. Today, who will you tell about the work God is doing in your heart? Isaiah 21:11-12

Oh, Lord, Kumbaya.


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