Meeting halfway

Once you’re halfway home, you know that you can probably get the rest of the way there. –Janis Ian

One of the most difficult things we must learn to do as we grow older is compromise. And one of the most challenging parts of growing in faith can be learning not only to listen—and really hear—but also to be willing to pursue a meaningful, mature dialogue with those whose beliefs differ from our own. Whether the topic is religion or reproductive choice, fracking or fiscal policy, it can be tempting simply to say, “Agree to disagree” and walk away unchanged (and certain we are right).

Don’t do it. If you truly desire a deeper relationship with another, take a deep breath and advance the conversation in love. Here are some things you can do to respect one another while stretching yourself:
  •  Ask questions—and really listen to the answers.
  • Be patient. Don’t form opinions too quickly.
  •   Eat, play and worship together with families who are not like yours.
  • Honor the convictions of others; don’t try to change people’s minds.
  •  Say, “I don’t understand (yet)”—and listen!
  •  Embrace mystery. Revel in uncertainty.
At the end of the day, none of us has all the answers. We each hold pieces of the puzzle. Working together, we can complete the picture that is Life.

Monday Begin the week by praying about one of your personal “hot-button” issues and a person with whom you disagree about this issue. Deuteronomy 26:17-18

Tuesday Consider today one of your cherished beliefs about your faith. Do you know someone who believes differently? Invite them for coffee. Psalm 119:58

Wednesday In prayer today, consider: if there were one question you could ask Jesus, what would it be? Listen for his answer. 2 Peter 1:3-4

Thursday Concentrate today on listening deeply. Imagine a loving heart with ears. Deuteronomy 32:3-4

Friday Meditate on what you believe about Jesus. Ask someone you love what they believe. Talk about where your beliefs converge—and differ. Romans 10:11-13

Saturday Praying today for yourself, commit to being more open-minded (open-hearted?) in your daily interactions. Rest. Lamentations 3:21-23

Sunday Gathering for worship is always a time to recognize the diversity among us: in age, race, gender and so many ways. Give thanks to the Creator for God’s imagination! Jeremiah 4:1-3

If we embrace what’s happening, we are also embracing what’s possible—and a road opens up for God to meet us halfway. –Suzan-Lori Parks


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