I've got nothin'.

Dear God, I am so afraid to open my clenched fists! Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to? Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands?—Henri J. M. Nouwen


Here we are, halfway through Lent, this season for reflection and introspection, and it hits me. None of what I have belongs to me. Not one bit.

Oh, sure, I have many things I call mine. My husband. My children and grandchildren. My home. My car. The list is lengthy, and certainly by many standards I am a very wealthy woman. But the truth is, none of these people or things belongs to me.

I won’t deny that God has blessed me richly (and you, too). But everything I am or have was never intended solely for my blessing, benefit or pleasure.

Throughout Scripture, God gives abundantly to God’s children, so they in turn could pass the blessing on to others in need. The early church lived this idea (Acts 2:42-47). To me, giving of one’s self is a living definition of God’s love.

So take a moment to step back, look around and within, and thank God. Because even if things seem bleak, in this family of Christ we stand eager to love one another. We as the congregation of University Circle UMC have been the recipients of an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit again and again, but not for our own benefit or glory. We are part of something more.

Now ask yourself: what are we called by God to do next? This is why we pray.

Monday Pause and give specific, deliberate thanks to God for something you have received. Now pay it forward as you are led. Philippians 2:1-4

Tuesday Think today about the ways you spend your time. Ask God to show you how you can make more time in your life—for God. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Wednesday Today, focus on some way you routinely “treat” yourself. Just for today, forgo the Starbucks and donate the money not spent. Matthew 5:14-16

Thursday Today, offer the gift of your time. Write a letter. Make a phone call. Be a blessing to another. Psalm 118:1

Friday Think today of a friend, co-worker or acquaintance going through a rough patch. Reach out as only you can. Let the Spirit lead your heart. Matthew 7:12

Saturday Listen to your heart in silence. Are you content? What is keeping you from being joy-filled? Ask God to guide you in making space for joy. Matthew 6:31-33

Sunday As we gather from our busy lives to praise and worship, give thanks for this house of God and your UCUMC family. Thank God for the generosity of time, talents and tithes that continue to make our mission and ministry possible. Genesis 41:53-57

Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me. –Henri J. M. Nouwen


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