See? SEE?!?

We are created to read the book of creation so that we may know the Author of Life. –Ilio Delio, OSF

“It’s as plain as the nose on your face.”

“Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees.”

“What do you mean, where are your car keys? They’re right there—in your hand!”

There is a little cartoon making the rounds lately, three simple panels that speak volumes. A man is standing at the edge of an idyllic pond and loudly declares, “God, if you are real, show me a sign!” As the sun comes up in glorious beams of yellow and orange, snow-capped mountains appear in the growing daylight. Creatures of many kinds wander through the cartoon.
And at the end of the day, as the sun sinks behind the mountains in a palette of purples and pinks, the man speaks again:

“Well?!? I’m waiting!”

There are many who believe Jesus was not God’s first shot at making his presence known. Many believe it was at the emergence of the diverse and amazing Creation that God first appeared; but because “we” kept expecting more, God came a second time, in Jesus. And we still keep trying to dictate to God where and how we want God to appear—so much so, that we often miss the point altogether. The evidence of God’s handiwork is here, all around us, in every corner of the world.

Take time this week to allow God to reveal himself, right before your very eyes. Look, listen—and know that it is very good.

Monday Take some time to observe something beautiful. A blade of grass. Snow on a tree. Flakes dancing in the breeze. The wisp of a cloud in the sky. And as you look, consider the Creator who is also your Redeemer. Psalm 84:1-4

Tuesday Today, look for beauty in the streets of your neighborhood. God is present in all places, not simply in Nature. As you look through God’s eyes, give thanks for God’s holy presence. Romans 13:8-10

Wednesday Spend some time in silence. Listen for a whisper, a quiet revelation of the Almighty. Give thanks and rest in that place. Romans 15:5-6

Thursday We are each a unique creation, designed in the image of the Creator. Take a moment and meditate on what makes you, you. How will you use your unique gifts in service to God? Genesis 1:27

Friday Is there any place inaccessible to the Lord? (This is not a trick question!) Look for God’s revelation in an unexpected place. Praise God for eyes to see. Isaiah 55:6

Saturday Look in the mirror. Study the palm of your hand. Listen to the sound of your breath. Feel the beat of your heart as it sends life through your body. You are a miracle! Never doubt that you are precious in God’s sight. Matthew 3:17

Sunday Focus on the many things we, as children of God, share in common. Look around at the beautiful family of faith drawn together in this holy place, and give thanks. Peace be upon your spirit. John 14:26-27

Some Sundays, I am drawn to awe, prayer, and service by the Nature Channel much more than by the morning church service. –Fr. Richard Rohr


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