Move it!

You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward. –Conrad Hall

Move it!

It can be easy to get comfortable where we are. We gravitate to the familiar: we order our favorite entrée at Applebee’s; we cling to our favorite shirt or shoes like Linus to his blanket. On Sunday morning, we sit in the same pew week after week. (And admit it: you get just a little tweaked if someone else gets there first, don’t you? Me, too.)

My church family made a big move several years ago, choosing to follow where Christ led and becoming this fresh, lively family known as Church in the Circle. Now, I wonder: are we getting too comfy again?

Jesus seldom stayed in one place very long. From Cana to Capernaum, Jerusalem to Galilee, it seems he was always on the move, from the time he was a young boy escaping a mad King Herod. He didn’t hold “office hours” and wait for the sick, the poor and the broken to come to him to be healed. Rather, he went to where they were. He listened. They believed. Lives changed.

By the grace of God, we have been given this day. We have choices before us. We can treat this day like the one before, and the one before . . . or we can step out, recognize the rare beauty in this day, and go! Remember Jesus declared himself to be the Way to be followed, a living, moving way of prayer and living life to the fullest.

This week, let’s think about what “the Way” might look like.

Monday Jesus asked more questions than he answered.  How comfortable are you with uncertainty? Matthew 5:43-44

Tuesday Jesus was unafraid to name injustice when he saw it, or to speak truth to the teachers of the Law when he saw things differently. Meditate on this. Matthew 6:19-21

Wednesday Jesus often went away by himself and spent time in solitude and silence. He realized his spirit needed rest and refueling. Find time today to be alone and quiet. Mark 1:35-39

Thursday Jesus was the master of acceptance, never setting conditions for “belonging,” except to have faith and believe. How deep is your faith—right this minute? John 5:1-15

Friday Jesus was always teachable, always listening to God and to those with whom he associated. Today, focus on listening—without preparing your next reply. Just listen in love. Matthew 15:21-28

Saturday When he prayed, Jesus began with himself. How often do you pray for yourself? John 17:1-5

Sunday Jesus was often on the move. I challenge you to sit in a different section of the Sanctuary this morning during worship! Greet your new seat mates. Jeremiah 7:2-6

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. –William James


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