"I choose . . . you."

You have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have. –J. R. R. Tolkien

Remember those days back in middle school or high school, when Gym Day meant choosing up teams for basketball or volleyball? Maybe you were a team captain, the one whose task it was to pull together a group of misfits and ragamuffins, plus maybe a couple of talented athletes, and make a game of it. Or maybe, like me, you were one of those misfits, who would rather sneak off in a corner and have nothing to do with such stuff.

Maybe you have a memory of being chosen last, of wishing you could just sink into the floor and disappear, because suddenly, in the eyes of your classmates, you seemed worthless. Not good enough.

Thankfully, God never sees any of us that way. At his baptism, Jesus clearly heard the voice of the Creator: You are my Son; I love you, and in you I am well-pleased (Mark1:11). And the same is true for each one of us: We are, each and all, beloved children of God, and in us God is well-pleased. Crazy in love—with you. (With me, too.)

Nothing—and no one—can diminish your worth in the eyes of the Almighty. You are loved—just because. God has chosen you. You may stumble and fall, you may have setbacks and days (or weeks . . .) when you feel as if no one loves you, as if the whole world is ganging up on you. It doesn’t matter. God has chosen—you. Beautiful, grace-filled you. And when God looks on you? God’s joy is uncontainable.

Monday Begin this morning with a long look in the mirror. Affirm, out loud, your status as a beautiful child of the Divine. Psalm 4:7-8

Tuesday Veterans Day Thank God today for those who served in the Armed Forces, preserving our freedom. Pray for those who continue to serve. Psalm 15:1-5

Wednesday As you go about your day, look for beauty in the world. Be deliberate—and name it. Give thanks. Psalm 139:14-16

Thursday Reach out to someone whom you sense is struggling. Listen. Love them like Jesus loves you. Offer to pray with them. Psalm 51:10-12

Friday The winter breezes are beginning to blow. Do you have any winter outerwear you no longer need or wear? Consider giving it away so another might be warmer. Psalm 62:1-2

Saturday Today, as you pray for yourself, affirm again the beautiful creation God see when God gazes on your face. Imagine yourself resting in God’s holy presence. Psalm 84:1-4

Sunday Come to worship today prepared to celebrate! Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place! Genesis 28:16-17

You’ve made this a special day just by being yourself. There’s no one else in the world quite like you. –Fred McFeely (Mister Rogers’ grandfather)


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