Does it really have to hurt?

Give till it hurts, until you feel the pain. If we worry too much about ourselves, we won’t have time for others. –Mother Teresa

For many of us, it’s that time of year. That time when the church pledge cards arrive in the mail . . . and we talk about next year’s budget . . . and we ask ourselves, “How much should we pledge to give next year?” And there’s always that other burning question: “Why does the pastor have to talk about money???”

We’d really rather talk about almost anything else, wouldn’t we? After all, Jesus flipped the tables of the moneychangers and drove them out of the Temple, right? We shouldn’t even be bringing up dollars and cents in the church—should we?

Yes. Yes we should. Jesus spoke a lot about money and stewardship. It was one of his favorite topics: responsible use and sharing of our resources. (See Acts 2, for example.)

But how much should we give? Should we tithe? (Should that be pre- or post-tax?) What did Mother Teresa mean, anyway, to “give until it hurts”?
Here’s how I hear it: I see someone on the street with a sign, seeking help. I may smile, maybe even him give a dollar—but keep on walking. As winter continues, I begin to notice the holes in his clothes. He has no coat, no gloves. I feel, in my own fingers, the bite of the wintry wind. I realize he may have not eaten in a while—and feel his pangs. His pain become my pain. And I give from my heart, because now, my heart hurts. I get it. Now, my gift is from the right place.

Monday Is there someone in need, whom you see on a regular basis? Consider making conversation with them. Ask God to guide your words. Ecclesiastes 5:10-12

Tuesday Do you shop at a place that offers you a chance to donate a dollar (or more) to a hunger center? Consider making a donation. Matthew 6:24

Wednesday On this day before Thanksgiving, consider a fast—from food, from the internet or from conversation—as you are able. Pray. 2 Peter 5:2-3

Thursday Thanksgiving Day Do you know someone who is alone today? Consider making a phone call. Is there an extra seat at your table? Hebrews 13:1-3

Friday Instead of shopping on Black Friday, consider reaching out to those who may not have enough, to eat or to wear. Be Christ’s hands and feet. John 21:15-17

Saturday If you are inclined to shop, on this Small Business Saturday, why not patronize a local merchant instead of the Big Box stores? Your money spent stays in the community where you spend it. Hebrews 13:5

Sunday Some mornings, our Sanctuary can be quite chilly. This morning, for a tiny understanding of the difficulties winter brings to so many, consider not wearing your jacket indoors. Allow yourself to feel the cold. Isaiah 55:1-2

Good works are links that form a chain of love. Where does love begin? In our own homes. When does it begin? When we pray together. –Mother Teresa 


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