Risky business.

If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat. –John Ortberg

After Jesus feeds the 5000, Matthew tells us about Peter walking on the water, taking his eyes off Jesus and slipping into the turbulent seas. “Lord, save me!” he cries, and Jesus does. As he stretches out his hand to Peter, Jesus asks, “Why did you doubt?” So often, that seems to be our focus in this passage: Peter takes his eyes off Christ; Peter doubts. Oh, Peter—you of little faith.

But you know what? In spite of his fears, in spite of his insecurities, Peter got out of the boat. He saw Jesus walking towards the boat, heard Jesus invite him, again, to come—just as he had invited him to lay down his nets and follow him in the first place.

Peter took a chance. He trusted God and took the first step, in spite of his doubts (“Lord, if it is you . . .). And when his faith faltered—like we all falter—he cried out to the One whom he knew could (and would) carry him through of life’s storms and return him to safety.

Life is seldom smooth sailing for very long. There will be rough times. But God did not place in us a spirit of fear and timidity. How much goodness and happiness might we miss out on if we are afraid to take that first step out of the boat and in the direction of Jesus?

Go ahead. See that outstretched hand? You can do it. Come.

Monday Begin the week by making a change. It doesn’t need to be a big one. Maybe listen to different music, or try a new salad dressing. Take the first step. Matthew 18:2-4

Tuesday Imagine something you’ve always wanted to do but just couldn’t “pull the trigger.” What is the first step towards following this dream? Pray. Psalm 98:4-6

Wednesday Take the opportunity today to encourage another to take the first step toward doing something new or different. Ask, listen and pray. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Thursday Consider volunteering at your church, at a local hospital, or maybe in a local school. What gifts do you have to share? Give freely. 1 Corinthians 12:27-30

Friday When was the last time you freely created something? Do you enjoy painting or drawing? Writing poetry? Spend time today nurturing the right side of your brain, and give thanks. 1 Peter 3:3-4

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, look deeply into your heart. Where is there unmet need or desire that you might bring before the Lord? Listen for God and rest. 1 Kings 19:9

Sunday Who is missing this morning that you usually see sitting nearby? You have two choices: Consider sitting somewhere new and meeting new people; or consider making a phone call when you get home, to check up on your absent friends. 1 Peter 2:12

Living with fear stops us taking risks, and if you don’t go out on the branch, you’re never going to get the best fruit. –Sarah Parish 


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