I AM __________.

When your heart is broken, the whole world is cast in the crushing gloom of despair. –Laura Ramirez

How often, in the course of a day, are we asked a simple question: “How are you?” Depending on who is doing the asking, our reply may be a terse, “I’m-fine-how-are-you” accompanied by a forced smile, or we may seize the question as an opportunity to be honest and vulnerable, to actually connect with this fellow traveler on life’s journey.

Recent weeks have been difficult ones in the world, from continued violence in Israel/ Gaza, to renewed incursions in Iraq, to the closer-to-home violence in Ferguson, Missouri. (As one friend put it, my desire to remain informed is at odds with my desire to remain sane.) I wonder how often, during our time spent in prayer or devotion, we pause to ask the Almighty how God is feeling.

If, as we profess and often pray, we desire to have eyes that see as God sees and a heart broken by that which breaks the heart of God, these recent events should be taking a serious toll on our hearts. Our Creator God must be weeping over the angry, careless destruction of Creation. The One who loves infinitely and without condition sees a harvest of hatred being sown. (Go ahead—wrestle with the question of why God “allows” such destruction and evil in the world. Need a wrestling partner?) The One who created all that is, surely must be troubled.

This week’s prayer prompts will focus, specifically and generally, on the “hot spots” in our world. Plan on spending time in silence, as well.

Monday Begin each day’s prayer time with a moment of deep breathing and silence. Pray today for the leadership and residents of Ferguson, Missouri, that peace and community would prevail. Isaiah 2:2-5

Tuesday Pray today for the unrest and violence in Iraq. Pray for the leaders, religious and secular, that peace would prevail. Pray, as well, for our troops. Psalm 34:6-7

Wednesday Today, allow your prayers to turn to the ancient conflict in the Middle East/ Gaza/ Israel region. Listen to understand and respect the side you do not agree with, if possible. Rest. James 3:17-18

Thursday Spend time today praying for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Ask God to guide your heart as you pray into this situation. Galatians 5:22-23

Friday Pray today for the many areas of unrest and conflict, as well as human/ gender rights issues, on the continent of Africa. Pray for the Church in Africa, as well. Matthew 7:3-5

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, spend a longer time in silence. If you find thoughts intruding, don’t ignore them; allow yourself to focus on them, then release them and resume silence. Allow the Spirit of the Christ to lead your response. Micah 6:8

Sunday Pray today that your congregation continue to find ways to provide leadership in your greater community. Remember—we are all called to minister to one another. John 17:20-23

It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts. --Anonymous


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