Security blankets

Everyone says I’m too old for a security blanket. But a baby blanket tucked in my dresser drawer back home is a lot less expensive than therapy. –Sarah Tregay

I took a count the other day: I own twelve Bibles. The oldest is a family Bible my mother gave me; the newest, a promotional copy of the Common English Bible, a new, “approachable” translation in which some of my professors took part. My “workhorse” Bible, the one I use for Bible study and sermon preparation, is almost seven years old. Its brown, two-tone leather cover is now held together with purple duct tape. The silhouette of an elephant remains front and center. (Me and my elephants!) Inside, favorite passages are highlighted in yellow, pink or blue. Some pages are permanently wrinkled from a spilled glass of water.

My daughter looked at it the other day and said, “That is one well-loved Bible.”

And she is right. When I was younger, I had a teddy bear named Lucy, who heard my cries, held my tears, carried me off to Dreamland at night. I loved much of the fur right off her, and Lucy helped me grow: stronger, more confident, more sure of who I was.

Now, I find I use Scripture in much the same way. Like prayer, reading and studying Scripture on a regular basis, even a few minutes at a time, is a valuable habit, or discipline, to develop. Spending time (almost) daily, even only a few minutes, reassures me of who I am: a unique and beloved Child of the Most High (and so are you).

Monday Reflect for a moment on your childhood “lovey.” Was it a stuffed animal? A blankie? Something more unusual? Rest in the memory of the comfort it offered. 1 Corinthians 13:11-13

Tuesday Honestly reflect on your relationship with Scripture. Is reading the Bible something you look forward to doing?  Ask God to guide your heart. (If I can be of help, ask.) Deuteronomy 4:29-31

WednesdayWhere do you find comfort in times of turmoil? Pause today and take a rest in the Comforter’s embrace. (If you do not own a Bible and would like one, please let me know. I have resources.) Isaiah 49:13-18

Thursday Is there someone with whom you engage on a daily basis who could use some extra consolation? How might your presence be of comfort to another? We are all in this together. 2 Corinthians 7:6-7

Friday Today, pause and meditate on the words of a favorite hymn or song. What do you find appealing about this piece of music? Allow the words to settle your spirit. Ephesians 5:19-20

Saturday Today as you pray for yourself, choose the way that best suits you. Will you sit and be still or perhaps make today’s prayer a walking prayer? 1 Peter 3:8

Sunday Worship in the Great Hall means opportunities to sit and participate in worship with a new perspective. This morning, introduce yourself to someone you don’t recognize. Remember when you first joined a group. Romans 15:30

Music is like my security blanket. –Yoko Ono


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