As the deer. . . .

Like billowing clouds, like the incessant gurgle of the brook, the longing of the soul cannot be stilled. –Hildegard of Bingen

Music and poetry are powerful ways of expressing emotions. Yearning, anguish—even fear often seem more universal when poured out in heartfelt meter or music. The Psalmist knew this. Our sampling of 150 psalms found in Scripture speaks to every emotion known to humanity. From awe and wonder (139) and deep longing (42), to gratefulness (121) and desperation (22), there’s an app—er, a Psalm for that.

Powerful, sometimes raw emotion is part of the human experience. Laughter and tears, rejoicing and cursing—all these things are a part of who we are. And when God chose to clothe himself in flesh, he came not as an emotionless being, or one capable of eliminating anyone with whom he felt at odds; rather, he came and allowed himself to be not only fully divine, but fully human, as well. He celebrated ((John 2:1-11), became angry (Matthew 21:12-14), wept (John11:35)—and cried out to God in his anguish and despair (Mark 15:33-34).

Our relationships with one another mirror our relationship with our Creator. Often, it seems, we feel as if we are somehow less human if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to laugh or to love. But I believe putting a wall around our “soft spots” not only keeps others at bay; it keeps God at bay, as well. Not only do our hearts long for God; God longs for us, too. God yearns for us to draw more closely into his presence. What’s holding you back?

Monday Pray today for a heart that is less suspicious and more loving. Be prepared to follow where God leads you. Luke 1:46-55

Tuesday How is your vision? How do you do at seeing fellow travelers through God’s eyes? Pray today for eyes that look past exterior appearances. Isaiah 40:28-31

Wednesday Sometimes the most difficult thing God asks us to do is simply to wait. Is there an area in your life where you sense something intangibly holding you back? Pray for greater trust in God’s timing and plan. Luke 1:67-79

Thursday Someone is waiting to hear from you. Someone needs to hear your voice or read a love note from you. Pray that God would guide your heart to reach out. Psalm 139:1-12

Friday Take some time today to simply sit and be. Allow yourself to contemplate the enormity of the God we serve. Rest in the knowledge that in our tininess, still we are loved. Revelation 1:17-18

Saturday When Jesus ascended, he sent his Spirit to dwell within our hearts and serve in the world as he served. Pray today that God would show you a fresh way you can serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Revelation 22:16-17.

Sunday For many, another busy school year is wrapping up. For others, a summer of hectic days lies ahead. Take time today simply to rest in the loving embrace of the Almighty. Genesis 1:31

You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs. 
But I look around me and I see it isn’t so. –Paul McCartney


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