Get the picture?

On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it.
 –Jules Renard

We use some really exciting language when we talk about the Church in the Circle. We reach out to welcome all. We sing about drawing the circle wider still. But as we use this outward-looking language, we need to pause now and then to reflect: what does this mean for us—on the inside?

When people visit UCUMC for the first or second time, they’re likely looking for a place where they feel they can belong. Is there room for them? What kind of “picture” are we creating in our little corner of the Kingdom?

Good question. And one that every house of worship and family of faith should ask itself regularly.

Here’s what I think: Our church family is like a beautiful mosaic, made up of pieces of many sizes and shapes. Some bits catch the eye with their color and shine; others may appear more subdued, but are just as important to the Big Picture. And while each of the many pieces has value and worth, it’s when we step back to catch a glimpse of the whole mosaic that the true beauty of God’s community is most apparent.

And the best, most exciting part is the “glue” of the Holy Spirit that moves among us, binding us together in love. That powerful Presence whispers to those who enter this place: 
Welcome back. 
Welcome home. 
You are welcome here. 
The picture is incomplete-- without you.

Monday Begin the week in front of the mirror. Look again at this beautiful creation, through God’s eyes. Love the person you see. 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

Tuesday What things do you do well? Think about ways God has gifted you to serve God, in the world or at your house of faith. Are you using these gifts? Pray. Jeremiah 50:6-7

Wednesday Think for a few minutes about your passion. What puts a light in your eye, enthusiasm in your voice? How does your passion appear in your service to the Almighty? (Does it?) Ezekiel 34:11-15

Thursday Here comes the hard question: Is there an area where it may be time for you to step aside and let someone else step up? Pray for discernment. Exodus 18:13-23

Friday Much of who we are is rooted in our family history. Think today about those who came before. How have you been shaped by your predecessors? Pray as you are led. Matthew 1:1-17 (Really read this!)

Saturday Think today about people you know who have left Christ’s church. (This may have been you for a time.) What drew them away? Pray for at least one, by name. Consider inviting them to worship with us. Luke 15:11-24

Sunday Think this morning about our beautiful mosaic. Pay attention to the “pieces” as well as to the whole beautiful picture God is creating. Give thanks. Acts 20:28

There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. –Deepak Chopra


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