All together now. . . .

Our humanity is diminished when we have no mission bigger than ourselves. –Bono

(This week's prayer is personal to my church home, University Circle UMC. I bet you can find ways it relates to your church home, as well. Please pray for us as we move forward in faith.)

Finally! After what must seem to some like an eternity, we are about to embark, at long last, on The Big Project, the chancel renovation, that will physically represent and present to the community the One Thing God is doing in this place, University Circle United Methodist Church. When the vision was cast five years ago to unite the former First and Epworth-Euclid churches as one church family, a commitment was made and, along the way, overwhelmingly approved to create a unique worship space that was reflective of this new Body of Christ committed to drawing the circle wider to include all.

And now, the Chancel Renovation Project is about to begin.

God’s Timing and our human planning seem to be aligned. These past forty-eight weeks spent as a community of prayer have been weeks well-spent. (And they do not stop now.)

This week, we renew our commitment: to Christ, to one another and to this community in which we worship. In unison with the Holy Spirit in our lives, the real work begins—in earnest.

It somehow seems fitting that we are in the midst of Eastertide, a season of reflection and “waiting on the Holy Spirit” to arrive at Pentecost, just as the early church obediently waited for the Spirit before venturing forward (Acts 1:3-5). Prepare your hearts.

Monday Begin the week in prayer for the pastoral leadership of your church family. Pray for our hearts to continually be receptive to the Spirit’s guiding. Acts 1:1-8

Tuesday Offer thanksgiving for the members of this congregation who serve in leadership positions, especially our Trustees and Finance committee members. Pray for their continued willingness to follow God’s lead forward. Acts 1:9-10

Wednesday Pray today for the musicians in our midst as we transition not only into a new space, but with new members of the music staff. Pray that, as in all things, we (and they) be open to new ways of thinking. Psalm 150

Thursday On this day, please offer prayers for our office volunteers who give so freely of their time and talents. You are blessing in our lives. We cannot do ministry without you. Acts 2:17-21

Friday In undertaking this project, we are committing to offering Jesus to all in our community. Pray this day that God would guide your heart in whom you might invite to join us on this adventure. John 1:35-42

Saturday This change is not easy for everyone. As you pray today for yourself, confess before God how you really feel. Pray God’s healing touch on your heart if necessary, and on the hearts of those around us. John 1:14

Sunday Come before the Lord, pray and reflect as you are led and give thanks. John 4:31-32

From the standpoint of daily life, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of each other. –Albert Einstein


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