Lifetime investment
The glory of God is a human being, fully
–Meister Eckhart
So we just celebrated Resurrection Sunday, Jesus’
eternal victory of life over death. Now we enter the season of Easter, fifty
days leading up to Pentecost. It seems only fitting that after forty days
reflecting on Jesus’ wilderness journey, now we have fifty days to celebrate
the glory of God—and what that means for us.
Throughout Jesus’ brief ministry, people desiring
healing, wholeness and hope took a chance. The paralytic’s faithful friends
invested their time, energy and faith to bring him closer to Jesus (Mark 2:1-12). The woman with the
bleeding problem took a risk, reaching out to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe (Mark 5:21-34). Even Peter, the trusted
disciple, risked it all, stepping out of the boat in an act of faith (Matthew 14:22-35).
Once these people began to understand that Jesus
was completely, fully invested in them—despite their broken and messy
lives—they, in turn, chose to trust, and invest themselves in this man called
So the question begs to be asked: Where are you
invested in your life? Have you pinned your hopes on things of this world,
perishable “stuff” that brings momentary joy? Or have you allowed your heart to
fall deeply and fully in love with the One who loves you like no other, no
matter what? That which belongs to God (you) is of greater worth than all
Monday Begin this day by investing thirty minutes (or more) in reading Scripture or a
devotional passage. Really sit with it. Pray—and rest. Matthew 6:19-21
Tuesday Just for “fun,” take a look at the stock exchange for recent weeks. Notice the
ups and downs. Rest in the knowledge that your worth in God’s eyes never
changes. Psalm 20:1-9
Wednesday Take time today to invest $1 (or more) in someone, whether a relative, a server
at a restaurant or a total stranger. Be blessed. Proverbs 28:25-27
Thursday Take time today to review . . . your budget. Don’t be critical; simply observe
where your spending money goes. Any changes your heart suggests? Isaiah 28:16
Friday Spend thirty minutes (or more) with a child today. Listen more than you talk.
Seek to be both teacher and student. John
Saturday Today, invest in at least one hour of loving yourself, just the way you are, as
beloved child of God. Do something nice—for you.
Give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Sunday Celebrate! You are a child of the Most High! Welcome to the Family! Ezekiel 43:1-5
Where you invest your love, you invest your life.
--Mumford & Sons
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