Just beat it, wouldja?
Instead of losing your energy on hating and
fighting, strengthen it by enjoying and getting along. –Anonymous
Facebook can be a wonderful,
terrible, awesome, awful place (just like the real world).
I have made marvelous friends there,
some of whom I have never met face to face and likely never will. We laugh
together; we mourn together. We celebrate each other’s achievements. We keep
each other in line when we need it.
But there is this other side to
Facebook, as well, those people whom I don’t
know who are friends of a friend—or maybe just trolls. They fly by, drop
their little bombs, light my fuse and
Oh, how easy it would be to
respond in kind! It might feel so good
to stoop to their level and give them a piece of my mind (except I haven’t a
piece of my mind I can do without). . . .
Except what, exactly would that
accomplish in the bigger picture?
Scripture reminds us that we are
called, among other things, to beat our swords into plowshares (Isaiah 2), to take those things which
are sharp and dangerous, like words of darkness and rage, and smooth them into
something useful and life-giving. In so doing, the Kingdom of God becomes
closer to reality in this world.
Next time, instead of responding
with sharp words, choose love. It’s
not always the easiest thing to do. But it’s the right thing to do. Start
beating that sword. It could take awhile.
Monday Many, many studies show that people come
to church (or any event or service) because they were invited. Ask God to show
you someone whom you could invite to worship. Pray for an opportunity to do so.
John 21:26-27
Tuesday Pause and reflect on the unconditional
love Christ offers to each one of us, just as we are. Give thanks and rest. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Wednesday In the beginning, out of chaos the
Almighty created order. Where is there chaos in your life? Pray that God would
bring peace, comfort and hope to an area of your life that feels out of
control. Give thanks and rest. Isaiah
Thursday Who has had an influence on your faith
journey? Pause and remember, and consider writing them a note of thanks. Ask
God to guide your heart in being a light to others. Pass it on. Acts 2:42-47
Friday John Wesley saw value in small group
meetings as a way to deepen relationships. How do you find relationship in your
church? Thank God for this family. 1
Samuel 12:22-24
Saturday As you pray for yourself today, listen.
Is the Spirit leading you in a new direction? Pray for clarity and for courage
to follow faithfully. Exodus 4:10-12
Sunday As we gather this morning to worship,
meditate on the words we sing in the hymns of the day. As St. Augustine
observed: The one who sings, prays twice. Give thanks and lift your voice! Isaiah 42:10-11
Can’t we all just get along? –Rodney King
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