Mirror image?

Instead of looking outside ourselves and counting potential enemies, fasting summons us to turn our glance inward, and to take the measure of our greatest challenge: the self, the ego, in our own eyes and as others see us. –Tariq Ramadan

For Christians, the season of Lent is upon us. Like many other holidays and seasons, some aspects of Lent have expanded beyond the church and splashed over into pockets of “secular culture,” as well. Pancakes and paczki and the festivities and excesses of Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) give way to a period of forty days intended for more introspective activities such as fasting and reflection.

Traditionally, people use Lent as a time for self-improvement: we promise to give up a bad habit, such as smoking, or add a new discipline, such as daily Bible study. On our best days, this change of habit “sticks.” Perhaps we continue not to smoke, even after Lent has ended; maybe we continue to keep up on our daily devotions. For forty days, we seek to become better human beings; in “Christianese,” we draw closer to the image and likeness of our Creator.

And then what?

In a world that moves more quickly every day, where we’ve come to expect immediate results, doing anything to bring about lasting change has become more and more difficult—and less and less inviting. But don’t let that deter you from trying. The first step can be rough—but it’s a first step. Just for today, consider sitting in silence and discerning your personal First Step towards recovering the reflection of perfection that dwells within your soul. Change yourself. Change your world.

Monday This is the 141st week of this project to pray with and for one another. Pause and reflect: How has your prayer life been changed or re-formed? (Or has it?) Give thanks. Acts 16:25-31

Tuesday While Lent is a time for reflection, God still wishes for his children to live joy-filled lives. What one thing could you do that would increase your enjoyment of time spent with the Lord? 1 Timothy 6:17

Wednesday Regret over things that happened in the past can rob us of delight in our present lives. How, through the grace of God, will you seek to make this year better than the last? Isaiah 41:10

Thursday As spring draws nearer, this time of renewal of all living things and time to cast off the slough of winter and begin afresh, ask yourself: what is the one biggest time-waster in your life? Ask God to help you change. Jeremiah 7:13

Friday We are the Church—together. God has created each one of us to serve in unique fashion. What new way are you feeling called to serve God at the Church in the Circle? (Need help getting started? Ask!) Joshua 24:14-15

Saturday Look deep today as you pray for yourself. Is there something God is calling you to do that seems impossible? Pray for God to answer your questions and ease your doubts. Now step out in faith and begin. James 1:5-6

Sunday Another “little Easter” to rejoice as members of the Family of Christ. As part of this church family, how might you work to improve your relationship with another? 1 Timothy 3:5

O would some Power the giftie give us
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us,
And foolish notion:
What airs in dress and gait would leave us!

--Robert Burns


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