Spiritual dehydration

 Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up. –Pearl S. Buck


The past two years (at least) have been exhausting, haven’t they? We had a pandemic that physically left us anxious and afraid. Our churches, where we go for nourishment, were closed or online longer than we wanted—and even now, we are careful. Politically, we have been divided against one another, and those wounds are still bleeding in many cases.

We need to take care of ourselves. And it’s never been more difficult. What to do? How do I make time in our busy schedules—for me?

The simple answer: Whatever it takes.

Remember when we would fly to a vacation destination? How the flight attendant would remind us that if the cabin loses pressure, the oxygen masks would drop down out of the ceiling? And that before we offer to help anyone else, we need to have our own masks in place?

Good advice for life in general.

Today: Pause. Take inventory of everything you’re worrying about that you can do nothing about. Pray for those things, and know and trust and believe that God is still in charge. Amen.

Monday Pay attention to your body for a few minutes. Listen for your heartbeat. Slow your breathing. Pray deeply with each breath. 2 Kings 2:1-2

Tuesday Look around for life’s rhythms in the world. What do you see? Hear? Smell? 2 Kings 2:6-8

Wednesday Summer offers so very many gifts of nature. Today, taste of the fruits of the season. Savor the flavors of berries, peaches and corn! 2 Kings 2:9-14

Thursday What is your absolute favorite thing to eat? If possible, have that today. If not, close your eyes and remember the last time. . . . Psalm 77:11-20

Friday Sit outside or near an open window for a while today. Let the breeze tickle your face. Close your eyes and inhale the very breath of God. Galatians 5:1

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask: Where am I truly needed most? What is God asking of me that no one else can do? (Do that.) Galatians 5:13-18

Sunday What brings you to worship each week? Is it the fellowship you find there? A feeling of welcome and hope for your life? Greet one another warmly. Galatians 5:19-25


What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or does it explode? –Langston Hughes


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