NOW . . . it's Christmas!


It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. –Dr. Seuss


I had to suspend worship services at my church this year. The staff got hit by the nasty virus, and we were unable to hold services on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve

Hardest decision I ever had to make (even though I didn’t make it alone, and even though it was clearly the loving thing to do). We suspended everything until . . . next year!

We wept. We kicked furniture a little bit. We wept some more. And then we got to work.

We recorded a (socially distanced) service, just four of us. My gifted videographer waved his magic wand over everything and added in some amazing clips from previous years’ services. And you know what?

It worked. We came together, even at a distance, and made something wonder-filled, to the glory of God. (If you would like to see the finished product, you can go to under Worship.)

As it turns out, as you probably realize, Christmas really begins on December 25, and goes for twelve days. So while we aren’t together, we can still worship as the Body of Christ and celebrate Jesus’ birth until January 6! And after that—well, we just might keep on celebrating, all year long. It’s the very best way to keep the Christ in Christmas. 

Are you with me?

Monday In Canada, December 26 is Boxing Day, a day to give small gifts to postal carriers and other public servants. (Never too late.) Matthew 25:35-36

Tuesday The church (and other charitable organizations) count on your donations to meet our financial promises. Are you satisfied with your giving level? Acts 20:28

Wednesday Need help keeping a commitment? Share your intentions with a friend and ask them to keep you accountable. 2 John (the whole letter)

Thursday Was there something you didn’t get for Christmas that you really need? Someone else may need it, too. Buy two; donate one. 2 Corinthians 8:7

Friday Animals have it harder in the winter. Consider feeding the birds or squirrels. If you have stray cats in your area, consider making a safe, warm space for them. Genesis 2:19-20

Saturday, January As 2021 draws to a close, pause in the quiet and remember. Allow your heart to respond however it wishes. Give thanks for the year just past. Matthew 28:16-20

Sunday, January What will you do, right now, to make your world a better place? Don’t think of this as a resolution; think of it as each day beginning fresh again. Revelation 21:1-5


Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store.

Maybe Christmas means a little bit more! --Dr. Seuss



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