Forgetful Jones


Our sense of worth, of well-being, even our sanity depends on our remembering. But alas, our sense of worth, our well-being, our sanity also depend on our forgetting. –Joyce Appleby


When my children were little, we watched Sesame Street together. One of my favorite Muppet neighbors was a cowboy named Forgetful Jones.

Forgetful Jones was likable enough, always pleasant and polite. The problem as, he couldn’t remember anything! People were always having to help him remember even simple things. But because they loved him, they did so with patient grace.

Some days, I do that pretty well. Some days, when I am talking with someone who has memory issues, I can take a deep breath and repeat myself as many times as necessary and get through the conversation with a smile.

Other days . . . my mother would suggest that I forgot to take my patience pill at breakfast. And she would be right. I might be impatient, or even downright mean if I am not careful. And—I often end up apologizing later.

Thankfully, when it comes to my relationship with the Almighty, God is far, far more patient with me.

I forget to set aside dedicated quiet time. God is simply grateful when I do remember. 

I forget about living in Love for all God’s creatures. God gives me more chances. And I always need more chances. I am a slow learner—but I get there. Eventually.

Thank God for grace and second (third) chances.

Monday I have a friend who actually scheduled prayer time into his calendar—and honored it. Would this work for you? Give it a try. Job 38:1-7

Tuesday Some things are not worth remembering. What are you wasting brain cells on that you need to let go? As you pray today, seek release. Psalm 104:1-9

Wednesday Try using this acronym: Praise; Repent; Ask; Yield. Reflect on the experience. Job 38:34-41

Thursday When you look in the mirror, remember whose you are and to whom you belong. Rest in that knowledge and be glad! Isaiah 53:4-12

Friday When was the last time you treated yourself? Today is a good day—and treat a friend or stranger, as well. Self-love is a good thing. Psalm 91:9-16

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for God’s grace, and invite the Spirit to move deeply in your heart. Where in life could you use practice extending more grace? (To yourself?) Mark 10:35-40

Sunday We often relegate our prayers to quiet, alone time. Today, take a walk or a drive and pray out loud. Let your emotions flow freely, whatever they are. Mark 10:41-45


Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. Not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory do we come. –William Wordsworth


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