Sounds so easy?

 I have abandoned all particular forms of devotion, all prayer techniques. My only prayer practice is attention. I carry on a habitual, silent and secret conversation with God that fills me with overwhelming joy. –Brother Lawrence


Brother Lawrence was a 17th century monk whose tiny little book, Practicing the Presence of God, is at once simple and complex. It can also be a life-changing read.

Lawrence’s technique, on the surface, seems obvious and simple. He would suggest that instead of trying to “make time for God” in our busy lives (yes, even the 17th century was busy), simply work at constantly allowing God to be present in your life.

Brother Lawrence’s calling was to serve. That meant, in his case, meals, among other things. He would spend hours each day in the kitchen, peeling potatoes and doing dishes. In those ordinary, everyday activities, he would carry on quiet conversations with the Divine, both speaking and listening. He found his heart being drawn ever deeper into God’s presence, and found himself inexplicably filled with deep, abiding joy.

Four hundred years later . . . there are still potatoes to peel and dishes to do. Instead of grousing about such menial tasks, try shifting your focus away from the task—and towards God. You just might be surprised by the peace and joy that arise in your soul! Servant God is waiting. . . .

Monday Begin with a small task, like washing the breakfast dishes. Breathe as you work, and still your soul. Invite God into the warm, soapy water. 2 Samuel 11:26-27

Tuesday Spend time today in silence. Turn off the TV and simply sit, seeking God. Do this as long as feels comfortable. 2 Samuel 12:1-4

Wednesday Today, try listening through the noise and distractions. Is this difficult for you? 2 Samuel 12:5-13

Thursday As you pray, think of your thoughts as a river. Let them flow past. You might dip your fingers in them for a moment, but let them keep going by. Psalm 51:1-12

Friday Brother Lawrence was a helper. What do you do regularly that helps others in some way? Exodus 16:2-4

Saturday Last day of the month. Sit today and think about the past month. What was good—and what could use some adjustment? Pray for God to guide you. Psalm 78:23-29

Sunday Join today with family or friends and simply praise God for one another. John 6:32-35

When we walk in the presence of God, the busiest moment of the day is no different from the quiet of a prayer altar. –Brother Lawrence


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