Anyway. . . .

Three things in life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. –Henry James 

People can be really wonderful. And people can also be jerks. Every last one of us. (Yes, us.) No matter how well-intentioned we are on this journey, sooner or later someone is going to cross our path who is . . . challenging.

You know: the one who manages to find your very last nerve and jump up and down on it. Or perhaps the one who seems so very nice at first, but behind the smiles, is all snake oil and venom. Or maybe simply the one person who knows it all, and is convinced you don’t.

Yeah, people are wonderful. And they’re not.

But Jesus didn’t call us only to love the nice people, or the kind people, or the ones whose smiles are genuine. Jesus calls us to love them all.

In seminary, when I was complaining to a professor about the man who was oh, so difficult to deal with, I reminded myself that yes, even he is a beloved child of God. And I am called to love even him.

My professor said, That’s almost right. Truth is, yes, he too, is a beloved child of God, and you are called to love especially him.

Dang it. I hate it when she’s right!


Monday Start your week of with confession. Who is your “last nerve” nemesis? Confess to God just how they niggle you—and ask God to change your heart. 1 Samuel 15:34-35

Tuesday Be honest. There’s someone whom you know has a hard time putting up with you. Pray that God helps you become less1 Samuel 16:1-6

Wednesday As summer settles in, pause today and think of ways you can “lower the heat” in your interactions with others. 1 Samuel 16:7-10

Thursday If you are able, make a charitable contribution to a group that helps the homeless stay cool and clean during these hot summer months. 1 Samuel 16:11-13

Friday Do you have a favorite summertime treat? Lemonade, perhaps? Treat yourself—and treat the next person in line behind you. Psalm 92:1-4

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, name before God something about yourself you wish were different. Ask God to help you change, one day at a time. Mark 4:26-34

Sunday Churches are opening up again! If you are able to gather in person, simply enjoy. Psalm 92:12-15


The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow. Do good, anyway. –Mother Teresa


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