Let's talk about architecture.

 It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. –David Allan Coe


In Scripture, Jesus refers to himself as both the keystone and the cornerstone. Ever stop to think about what each of these words means?

The keystone is the wedge-shaped stone inserted at the very top of an arch. It literally allows the entire arch to stand and not collapse; it takes the tension from all sides.

The cornerstone, on the other hand, is fixed at the base of a building. It is typically one of the first stones laid; the entire building is constructed around and rests upon the cornerstone.

Where is Jesus in your faith construction?

Do you lift Jesus to a position of prominence in your faith walk, even when the pressure and tension are oppressive? Do you lean on Jesus to keep yourself together?

Or do you see Jesus as the firm foundation, the solid rock of your faith? Do you ground yourself in God’s Word and seek to let the Holy Spirit guide your actions? 

As we move into the season of Easter, take time to reflect on your personal Lenten journey. Did you make any changes in your life that, forty days later, you hope to continue to practice? Have you seen anything in your faith walk that makes you feel uncomfortable, or spiritual “baggage” you’d like to leave behind?

 May the weeks ahead be especially blessed. Peace.

Monday Easter Monday. Rest today and simply take it all in. . . . Isaiah 25:6-9

Tuesday How old is the building you live in? What is it constructed from? (Sorry for the dangling prepositions. L) What holds it together in the strong winds? Psalm 118:1-2

Wednesday Look today at some photos of stone arches, or look at one in person if there’s one close to home. Imagine the pressure borne by the keystone. Acts 10:34-43

Thursday Today, try to locate a historic building with a cornerstone. (Banks or churches usually have one.) Notice the date. Look up. Imagine. . . . Psalm 118:20-24

Friday Have you ever been part of a ceremony to open the cornerstone on a hundred year anniversary? Or have you had a chance to place something inside a cornerstone? What do you remember? (If not—what would you imagine was inside?) John 20:1-10

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God what you have of great value, that you offer as support to others. In what way(s) are you someone’s cornerstone as we journey through life together? John 20:11-12

Sunday In many churches, today is Holy Humor Sunday. Reflect on how God got the last laugh in Christ’s victory over death. John 20:13-18


Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness. –Frank Gehry


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