Yes. You did.

Disinformation is more than just lying; it’s the denial and twisting of reality in order to present some                                 desired image to the rest of the world. –Will Hurd

As Holy Week begins, we remember the passage from Mark’s gospel when Jesus looks around the table and tells his disciples that they will deny him. Of course, they all bluster and genuinely believe they would never deny this man they love. Never! 

Jesus singles out Peter, and declares, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times” (Mark 14:27-31). Peter, of course, continues to declare his fidelity, but in the end, is unable to acknowledge he knows Jesus. 

And the rooster crows. . . .

Every day, we boldly state how much we love Jesus, and how we will always be faithful and serve him in our daily lives. 

And we walk right on by the tired, filthy man holding a coffee cup, asking for a few dollars for lunch. We don’t even make eye contact with him. 

We carelessly throw away lightly worn clothes, because we have grown tired of them. (Sometimes we seem to treat people the same way.) Whatever you do to the least of these, you have done also to me.

We cannot change the whole world. We are imperfect, and we screw up. But we can change our little corner of Creation. It begins by admitting: Yes, Lord. It is I. And I am sorry. Show me your way, O God. Amen.


Monday Time to look in your closets again. As the seasons change, what items of clothing might you no longer want or need? Donate them to a thrift shop. Mark 14:1-9

Tuesday Now the cupboards. Look for extra cans of soup or veggies. (Check that they’re not expired.) Fill a bag or two. The Food Bank thanks you. Mark 14:10-11

Wednesday How are you doing financially? Do you have a few extra dollars you could donate to a charity that touches close to home? No more excuses. Mark 14:12-17

Thursday As you are out and about, open your eyes. Even if you are not comfortable giving money to someone sitting on a curb, look at them. See their humanity. Smile, greet them—and pray for them. Mark 14:18-21

Friday Pause today and meditate on why Christians call this Good Friday. Do not hurry through the painful events of this day. Mark 14:26-31

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, place yourself in the story. Ask God where you have denied Jesus. Let forgiveness fill your spirit. Mark 15:1-39

Sunday Easter Take time today and weep. Weep for the children of God who remain under the thumb of oppressive authorities. With Mary, seek the risen Lord and follow where he would lead you. Mark 15:40-47

Delusion and denial do not equal an apology. –Carole Radziwill


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