Becoming what we love

 I’m somebody who constantly wants to challenge himself, evolve, and grow. Because if you don’t, you fade. You become stagnant. –CM Punk


We have been through some unpleasant times over the past four years. What should have been repeated opportunities to work together and become stronger, instead devolved into a season of juvenile behaviors, of name-calling and trying to prove how right we are, and how wrong they are—even if it means lying as we do so.

It’s been harrowing, and it’s been ugly.

You remember that old saying: You are what you eat? In other words, eat healthy, become healthy. Eat junk. . . .

This theory applies to so much more than food. It applies to what we read, what we watch on television, whom we follow on Facebook. If we are not careful, in our efforts to discredit others, we become as nasty, ugly and angry as the one with whom we disagree.

Nothing good will ever come of such stuff. How can we become love, while preaching hatred? How can we hope to shine light in the world when our lips spew words of darkness? How can we emulate the Christ by mocking those whom he loves?

Lent is that season every year when we try, for forty days, to change our lives by giving something up. 

This year, I challenge you to give up unkind words, to strive to understand those who look and believe differently that you do. 

Change the world by changing yourself.


Monday Start the week with silence. Spend some time listening to God. What are you hearing that might be uncomfortable? Genesis 17:1-2

Tuesday What programs do you regularly watch on television? How do you receive these programs in your spirit (or do you)? Genesis 17:3-7

Wednesday Today, if you leave your house, be deliberate in speaking kind words to others. Listen and watch how they respond. Reflect on how being deliberately kind changes the way you feel. Psalm 22:23-26

Thursday Have you written a love letter lately? Offer written words of Love to someone you haven’t see for a while. Psalm 22:27-31

Friday Kindness and love extend to all of Creation. Do something kind for wildlife today. Be creative as you find ways to make the whole world a little kinder. Mark 8:31-38

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, offer your words to God. This week, have your kind words been stronger than your less kind words? Romans 4:13-15

Sunday Celebrate God’s grace. Remember: there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less (or more)! Romans 4:16-25

What’s dangerous is not to evolve. –Jeff Bezos


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