No time like right now.


Love, Love is a verb. Love is a doing word. –Massive Attack

We are all tired, aren’t we?

The season of pandemic goes on and on. The silly games with BINGO cards offering so many options of things this year has already offered are becoming more and more commonplace, and seeming less and less outrageous. (Did you have murder hornets on your list?)

As we continue into yet another month of frustration and isolation, one thing is clear: We still desperately need one another. And—we still need to respect the virus. Even people who didn’t believe the virus was real are now testing positive.

Love is a verb. A very active verb that takes many forms. Languages other than English have multiple ways of expressing the nature of love—puppy love, brotherly love, passionate love, agape love. All these forms are merely different ways of showing others they are cared for. And the best way to show you care is to do something.

Write a note. Call. Order coffee for a stranger. Smile. Laugh.

Go into your quiet space and pray for your enemies. By name.

Then stand back and watch for opportunities to move your feet. Love is a verb. A very doing word. Are you in?

Monday Pray for someone whom you have never met, someone whose life story has caught your attention. Learn more about them as you pray. Deuteronomy 8:7-8

Tuesday Our world leaders could use prayers, don’t you agree? Listen to the stories of nations other than our own. Learn. Love. Deuteronomy 8:9-18

Wednesday Life seems to be one Hump Day after another lately. What do you need to do to get “over the hump” this week? Do some of that. 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Thursday Spend today unplugged. Read a book, or knit/ crochet/ stitch/ color. Turn your focus inward. Psalm 65

Friday Spend an extra moment today reading the obituaries. If a name catches your eye, see if there is a charity their family is honoring. Consider making a gift. Psalm 23

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, commit to making a difference in your own life and heart by reaching out to someone God places on your heart. Luke 17:11-19

Sunday What reminds you that today is Sunday? Do you sing, or let someone else cook? Visit virtually with someone you love? All these things are ways to love. In keeping the Sabbath, the Sabbath keeps you. Isaiah 25:1-9


The best thing to hold onto in Life is each other. --Anonymous


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