Well, it's kinda like. . . .

Let your days become a fragrant song where heaven and earth continually collide. –John Crowder


Many preachers (including moi) try to preach the lectionary, which is a three-year cycle that helps us to preach a fuller scope of Scripture, rather than returning again and again to our favorite passages. It requires discipline I usually appreciate.

Recently, there’s been a focus on Matthew’s parables about the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is like . . . a mustard seed. Yeast. A pearl of great price. Good seed widely sown. All these parables that might not be relevant to us, today, in the western world of the 21st century.

I wonder: are there similes that might work better today? How do you relate to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Maybe the Kingdom of Heaven is like kudzu or loosestrife, a crazy invasive weed that takes over entire fields, covering over houses in record time. Beautiful, wild—unpredictable. Maybe even a little frightening. 

Or like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, sweet and refreshing, even as it drips down our arm. We savor it for every drop, telling others of the treasure we’ve found, eager to spread the news. (It’s good for the business, after all. For me, in Cleveland, it’s Mitchell’s Black Raspberry Chocolate Chunk. J)

Stop. Look around. What is the Kingdom of Heaven like—in your neck of the woods? Does it look like you always thought it would? Tell someone—and help them see where God might be working in their life.

Monday Start the week of right. Do something just for you! Something that makes your heart feel light. Give thanks. Genesis 37:1-4

Tuesday If you are able, today, take time to treat a friend. It doesn’t need to be a big thing: a friendly note or some garden flowers or cookies. Genesis 37:12-17

Wednesday Another “Hump Day.” How are you doing—really? How is it with your soul? Genesis 37:18-28

Thursday Make an effort today to try something new, whether it’s a tasty herb on a favorite dish, or listening to different music. How did it feel? Kingdom-like? Psalm 105:1

Friday If possible, get outside today. Tilt your head back, breathe in the fresh air and listen. What do your senses tell you about the day? Matthew 14:22-24

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, look within. Where has God planted Kingdom seeds? What kind of soil is your spirit? Matthew 14:25-33

Sunday What does Sunday worship look like for you during this pandemic? Have you discovered something fresh in your relationship with the Almighty? Celebrate your faith seeds! 1 Kings 19:9-13

Obedience to the Holy Spirit brings you Heaven now.  –TemitOpe  Ibrahim


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