What's it worth to you?

Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economize it.
--Mark Twain

Everybody seems to have their own definition of truth these days. As we continue living through this season of pandemic and weird living, we argue about most ever little thing, sometimes:
©       Should we wear a mask or not?
©       Do we need to stay six feet away from one another?
©       Should we send our children back to school or wait?
©       What about church? Is it safe to gather? To sing?

Look. I have exactly one opinion, but here it is.

At the end of the day, the only truth that matters—is Love. When we are deciding any issues that affect other people, our guiding directive must be Love and science. If you think the two are incompatible, think again.

Love, as Jesus showed us, puts others ahead of ourselves. Wearing a mask and keeping distance show that we care enough for one another to put up with a little discomfort and inconvenience while we are out and about picking up necessities.

Jesus reminds us to let the little children come, unhindered, to him. That doesn’t mean send them off to church or to school because you are tired of having them around (even though you love them deeply). It means sheltering them in safety, under the wing of the Loving Father.

Love means doing what’s right. Not what’s expedient. Wear that mask. Wash those hands. Stay home. This is what it means to be pro-life:

Love one another, because you have been loved.

Monday Who do you really love? What would you do for that person? (Real answers, please; not esoteric, unrealistic ones.) Whatever you named, do that today. Matthew 13:45-46

Tuesday If someone gave you a hundred dollar bill to give away, what would you do with it? (Take your time.) Now do what you can, with what you’ve got. Romans 8:26-30

Wednesday Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness that touched you deeply? Sit with that today—and find a way to pay it forward. 1 Kings 3:5-12

Thursday What are you doing to keep yourself safe during the virus? What are you doing for other people? Keep doing it. Romans 8:31-39

Friday Feeling like you have cabin fever? Put that alone time to good use. Teach yourself something new; write a story; start a journal. Now’s the time! Psalm 119:132-133

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask: Am I part of the solution? Am I doing the right thing? Psalm 128

Sunday Take your worship outside if possible, or near an open window. Listen with your heart for the glorious sounds of Creation. Give thanks and rest. Matthew 13:31-32

The most valuable thing you can have as a leader is clear data.
--Ruth Porat (now believe it and use it!)


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