Protect yourself?

Boundaries are to protect life, not to limit pleasures.
--Edwin Louis Cole

There are so many stories lately, stories about people taking drastic steps to protect myself and protect what’s mine.

We hear about Ahmaud Arbery being shot because two men decided he was threatening what’s mine.

About Breonna Taylor, shot eight times by police who entered her house unannounced while she and her partner slept.

About men armed with the biggest guns they could find, surrounding a sandwich shop and making statements about protecting my freedom, in this case, the freedom not to wear a mask during the pandemic. (Please explain to me, then, why many of them were wearing masks while protecting their freedom not to?)

We are becoming a nation of individuals, concerned about what’s mine and making sure I have everything I “need.”

But what we seem to be forgetting is, we are called to take care of one another.

Every breath we take, everything we have, comes from the One who loves enough to give us life itself, an abundant gift, indeed. Pause and reflect on that. Read it again.

Wear that mask, every time you’re out in a store or with other people. It’s not about protecting you. It’s about caring for your neighbor.

It’s one very simple way to show God’s Love.

Monday All winter long, we have stayed indoors. Spring is here (at last)! Get outside in an open area for a walk. Breathe deeply. Acts 17:22-23

Tuesday Find a simple way to share some love and encouragement today. Leave a note for a stranger. Remember: you are never alone. Acts 17:24-25

Wednesday When was the last time you really saw the place you live? Look around each room today with fresh, loving eyes. Thank God. Acts 17:26-27

Thursday Manic Monday. Taco Tuesday. Hump Day. What’s special about Thursday? Make today unique. Acts 17:28

Friday Do you look forward to Friday or is it “just another day”? Find a simple way to celebrate, alone or with a friend via social media. Acts 17:29

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for your health. If you are able, volunteer to assist someone who is in need. Do a “shop and drop” for a neighbor. Psalm 8

Sunday Worship is different these days, isn’t it? The one thing that never changes is God’s presence. Sit in quiet today for a minute or more. Let God touch your soul. Then sing the glory! John 14:15-21

Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish.
--Thich Nhat Hanh


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