Really different.

Doubt thou that the stars are fire,
Doubt thou that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love. --William Shakespeare

I am writing this post on Good Friday. The fanfare of Jerusalem is over; the crowds have gone silent or turned mean and ugly. The sky is turning darker and darker by the minute, it seems. Those gathered near Jerusalem on that first Good Friday really don’t know how the story is going to end.

This year, as this novel virus continues to upend our daily lives, forcing changes we never, ever would have expected to see in our lifetimes, we are experiencing our own “Good Friday moment.” We don’t know how this will end. Some scientists and medical experts are hazarding guesses; some people are declaring they know more than any expert. But no one really knows.

So we cower behind locked doors, suspicious of everyone, especially since we can’t even see their faces behind the masks. We take more than we need, because—well, who knows? The skies seem to grow darker . . . and darker. . . .

Stop. Close your eyes for just a moment. Breathe. Listen.

Surely, he was the Son of God!

Woman, why are you weeping? Go to them and tell them. I am returning to my God and your God, just as I promised. Love one another.

Easter is surely coming. Know. Trust. Believe. We got this. We will get through this together.

Monday Why are you weeping? Be honest with God this morning. What is breaking your heart? Rest. Isaiah 25:6-9

Tuesday Pick up the phone today. Reach out. Listen for the words behind the words. Ask gentle questions. Listen more than you talk. Psalm 114

Wednesday Have you been able to go outside for fresh air? If it’s too cold, go sit at a window and look. Watch for signs that Life is going on. Give thanks. Luke 24:13-16

Thursday Are you naturally optimistic or less positive? What role does your faith play in your attitude, especially day to day? Luke 24:17-31

Friday How do you feel about questioning your beliefs about God? Give yourself permission, if you need it, to wonder and ponder, even if it makes you uncomfortable. God can take it. John 20:19-31

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, rest in silence. Allow God’s perfect peace to surround your spirit. Psalm 121

Sunday In some churches, the Sunday after Easter is Holy Humor Sunday. Look for light spots in life, even as we cannot gather as a congregation in the traditional sense. Do you know children who can tell you a joke? Let yourself laugh. Luke 1:46-47

Everything’s gonna be all right. Rockabye. –Shawn Mullins


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