New season of Love

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget
that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them. –John F. Kennedy

We are entering an interesting, sometimes challenging season as followers of the Christ. It probably shouldn’t be as difficult as we make it every year, but the tug of the Lord and the frenzy of the world can point us in starkly different directions if we allow.

On one hand, we are beginning our Advent journey, tiptoeing quietly ever closer to the cradle every Sunday, seeking God’s presence in our lives and in our hearts. We light candles. Many of us dedicate ourselves deliberately to a discipline of daily prayer or meditation. Maybe you have an Advent calendar with doors to open or treats to share. Christ our Savior is born! Let heaven and nature sing!

And then there’s this other season, the one that begins on Black Friday and continues through Cyber Monday. The markets and malls try to convince us there is a more important kind of saving we all need. BUY! BUY MORE! You really need this (whether you know it or not)! We open our wallets, max our credit cards, and on it goes. . . . Many believe, at some level, that happiness is just one purchase away.

Thank God—here comes Giving Tuesday, a chance to pause, recognize how many blessings God has bestowed on us, and give—deliberately—to those who have less, in a way that can make a real difference in the world. It’s a fact: the person who gives, often receives as much (or more) than the one receiving the gift. Go ahead. Don’t give till it hurts. Give—till it helps.

Monday This time of year can be exceptionally difficult for our military and veterans. Contact the local VA and ask about sending cards to those who serve or have served. Isaiah 2:1-5

Tuesday There are many groups collecting toys this time of year, for children whose parents cannot afford to give gifts. Consider donating. Psalm 122:1-5

Wednesday Make an effort today to smile at every person you encounter. (You know which ones need it most.) Proverbs 15:13

Thursday Cold weather is setting in. Do you have a bird feeder? Now is the time to begin filling it and keeping it filled through the cold, snowy days. Psalm 122:6-9

Friday Some of the best gifts are things we have already enjoyed. Consider donating a much-loved book or game to a friend, child or family center. Romans 13:11-14

Saturday Are you a cookie maker or bread baker? Today, choose a special recipe and share with a neighbor, or better still, a total stranger. Matthew 24:36-39

Sunday Just for fun, as we come together for worship today, write someone a “happy note” and leave it in the hymnal, tucked in near one of your favorite hymns. Matthew 24:40-44

Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow. –Melody Beattie


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