It's that time again. . . .

When the seasons shift, even the subtle beginning, the scent of a promised changed, I feel something stir inside me. Hopefulness? Gratitude? Openness? 
Whatever it is, it’s welcome. –Kristin Armstrong

No matter what part of the world you call home, this time of year brings big changes. While my friends Down Under are watching sings of new growth emerge from the earth as temperatures rise, here in Ohio, the leaves are turning from green to gold and orange, red and brown. The winds have taken on a chill; clouds hang heavy, like soggy cotton, reminding us that soon and very soon, we are going to see the snow.

Always different, yet somehow, the same. We depend on God’s eternal ways, and trust that again this year, winter will follow autumn, just like it should.

So why is it, as we anticipate and appreciate changes like these, when it comes to so many things in life we pull up short, wrinkle our noses and say No! No change! I like things just the way they are!

It’s the same for people, for communities—and for churches. If we are not changing, we are dying. If we are unwilling to take on new challenges, to see through fresh eyes the opportunities that lie ahead of us, we will find ourselves left behind. What are we afraid of? The God who always was and always will be is with us, every step of the way. Relax. Change—is very good.

Monday Wherever you are, take time today to walk outside, if only for a moment, and look around you. Give thanks. Jeremiah 31:27-28

Tuesday If the weather is nice, take a walk and crunch through the fallen leaves. Listen to the sound under your feet and be grateful. Jeremiah 31:29-34

Wednesday Autumn has a smell all its own! Open the windows and take a deep breath. What do you smell? Praise God. Psalm 119:97-104

Thursday What’s better than a cup of hot cider or pumpkin spice coffee? Choose your favorite, and savor every delicious drop (with a doughnut if you like)! Luke 18:1-8

Friday The sun is coming up later every morning. Get up early and enjoy a few minutes of quiet. Psalm 121

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, meditate on the current season of your life. How do you feel about the person you’ve become? Rest. Genesis 32:22-28

Sunday As you come to worship God, speak to someone you might not know well. Share God’s love and grace with them in word or deed. Genesis 32:29-31

Everything has seasons, and we have to be able to recognize when something’s time has passed and be able to move into the next season. Everything that is alive requires pruning, as well, 
and that is a great metaphor for endings. –Henry Cloud


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